Recent content by REB245

  1. REB245

    Is my gear legit? From IP China Labs

    Last Cycle started around the 1st of Aug. Ran QV's Sust 250 and Stanazoil. I used IP's QV a yr ago with good results. Cycled BD's Andropen and Stanazoil back in April, which provided better results. Asked my guy to send the BD, sent QV instead. I didin't say anything since it was my second...
  2. REB245

    Is my gear legit? From IP China Labs

    I ran a 25ml bottle of Andropen and a 25ml bottle of Stanzoil back in Feb with great results. As for the orals I ran BD D-bol 50mgs at 150mgs a day to kick start my last cycle. Felt tired all the time, little strength gain and extreme bloat. I dont know if it was just the way my body reacts...
  3. REB245

    what is this guy on?

    Right on 2010! I was reading through this thread thinking "Fuckin Genetics!"
  4. REB245

    Hygetropin HGH.... LEGIT?

    Yes, Hygetropin HGH is GOOD TO GO! I bought 1000 iu's July 2010, finished Dec 2010. Body fat went from 18% to 9%. I had numbness in my fingers every morning and killer elbow pain, but dam I looked good! lol Just know it can fuck your thyroid up! Now I have to take 2 different Meds that cost...
  5. REB245

    QV question

    Yes, I posted a pic on another QV thread. I Have strength gain, a little bloat but not the energy and intensity I usually have in the gym. I hope you bought a lot because you may need to double your dose. Good luck. Let us now your experiance.
  6. REB245

    QV question

    Hey bro, I have done 2 full cycles with IP's QV with great results. I'm in my fifth wk of my third QV cycle and not very happy. Im on their Sustanon (sust) 250 and stanazoil 100. I'm running 750mgs of Sustanon (sust) and 300mgs of stan a wk. I believe it is very undersosed.
  7. REB245

    Power out for 72+ hours...HCG ruined?

    I also would like to know the answer to this. My source sits on his HCG for months without refegeration. Does this matter?:dunno:
  8. REB245

    BD Anavar 50mg (PINK) real or fake? (pic)

    Man I know IP,s BD makes 50mg anavar, but those look just like my IP BD 50 mg D-bol that is not fuckin workin for me.:wtf:
  9. REB245

    sustanon 4 first time?

    Hey cokezero, this site won't let me PM you. I guess I dont have enough post. PM me with your E-Mail.
  10. REB245

    Red dragon sucks!!!!!!!

    cokezero, cbar, hey dudes, where in Texas do yall live? We can possibly use each others connects.:cool:
  11. REB245

    Red dragon sucks!!!!!!!

    cbar, hey bud Im from Texas. My connect bought cases of that Vioxx. That was the worst shit I,ve ever tried. Never seen the Red Dragon floatin around.:chainsaw:
  12. REB245

    30mg dianabol per day

    Thanks Guys for the input. And yeah I'm also running QV Sustanon 750mgs a wk. and also pop .25 arimidex eod. I'm 6 ft 235lb down from last cycle at 245 around 15%bf. I googled D-bol taste and got all kinds of info. From what I gather it depends on what its cut with as far as the taste goes...
  13. REB245

    30mg dianabol per day

    Oh yeah, im running 100mg a day. split up in 25mg doses through the day
  14. REB245

    30mg dianabol per day

    Could any of you bros tell me if D-Bol has a certain taste to it. Im on IP's BD 50mg D-bols. Started on 8/3, had a couple of workouts with good intensity and pumps. But the last couple of training sessions I felt like a bitch with piss poor pumps. Diet is good, shit load of protein. Just...
  15. REB245

    Is my gear legit?

    Yeah I've used them for two cycles with great results. Just started my third cycle.