Recent content by rmphoto

  1. R

    At my wit's end!

    Please accept my apology. I'm learning...
  2. R

    At my wit's end!

    So this post is against the rules. You can't ask for sources. Please use your Doctors
  3. R


    My WF lost 40 lbs using the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) drops. It basically helps with hunger/fat burning, but nothing hormone-wise. It's different stuff for us TRTers.
  4. R

    My experience with Testim gel

    I was prescribed Testim for low T last summer. At first it worked pretty well (I felt better) but it was a major hassle: the daily ordeal of putting the sticky stuff on. It never EVER completely dried, not even after using a blow drier. The smell drove me crazy, too. My wife didn't mind...
  5. R

    getting help with first injection?

    The nurse at my endo showed me how with a fake skin pad. I inj in thighs - never feel a thing with insulin pins (just takes a little longer to load.) First few times are a bit scary because you don't know what to expect, but you'll be a pro in no time.
  6. R

    HCG Drops?

    I've already filled out Chip's questionnaire and am waiting for my financial situation to get better (hopefully 6 months or so) to do my physical and get started w/Maximus. Yes, I was referring to the homeopathic HCG drops. Was the HCG drops that Chip was talking about something different? I'm...
  7. R

    HCG Drops?

    Anyone have ANY thoughts?
  8. R

    HCG Drops?

    I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for about 6 months (.5ML cip. every 4 days, liquidex .15 the day after inj.) I feel much better, but sure do miss my balls. One is about 25% smaller than before, one is about 75% smaller (and is always tender.) My Dr. won't prescribe HCG...
  9. R

    Newbie help?

    I'll pick some up at the health food store tomorrow and give it test drive soon. Thanks for the tip!
  10. R

    Newbie help?

    E2, Shgb was normal (I'd quote the numbers, but I'm late for work.) No HGC. The only thing I take is one baby aspirin a day. It's frustrating for me and GF (who arrives much faster than I do.) Sounds like this is not a normal part of TRT. I guess I'll have to talk to GP. Thanks!
  11. R

    Newbie help?

    Long time lurker, first time question: I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for about 5 months. After several false starts (gels) that didn't work or made me break out, I'm currently on .50 of test cyp every four days. I also take .15 of liquidex the day after each injection. My...
  12. R

    How many mg's are you injecting?

    I'm also on 50mg every 4 days. I felt better (more energy and confidence) in about 2 weeks, but it took about 2 months to get the libido back. My last test test showed 734 (pretty good for me.)