HCG Drops?


New member
I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for about 6 months (.5ML cip. every 4 days, liquidex .15 the day after inj.) I feel much better, but sure do miss my balls. One is about 25% smaller than before, one is about 75% smaller (and is always tender.)
My Dr. won't prescribe HCG inj. for me (I KNOW, but very long story, basically a short-term financial issue.) Chip's repost about HCG DROPS piqued my interest. My wife used them to drop about 40 lbs. and I can get some fairly cheap. But how does one use them in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to bring the boys back to town???
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
If your wife dropped 40lbs on it maybe it worked. Guess you should just give the drops a try since your doctor wont prescribe the injections.

plan B would be change doctors ( give Maximus a go)
Are you talking about homeopathic drops? You never know what you're getting with those. HCG for losing weight is controversial. The low amount of calories could account for the weight loss.
I've already filled out Chip's questionnaire and am waiting for my financial situation to get better (hopefully 6 months or so) to do my physical and get started w/Maximus.
Yes, I was referring to the homeopathic HCG drops. Was the HCG drops that Chip was talking about something different?
I'm just trying to stay afloat financially. My Dr. prescribes the test. and pins (which my insurance pays for) but won't prescribe Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (which is why I order liquidex online) or HCG (which is why I'm looking for alternatives here.)
Thanks for your help!
The drops chip is talking about actually has HCG that is why you need a prescription. You don't know what you're getting with the homeopathic drops. They're pretty sketch in my opinion.
Word is, if its no prescription Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), then its not HCG. Lots of people have been ripped off seeking the non prescription form for dieting purposes.
I read something similiar to this before. FYI there were problems with the way they did stuff pre 1985 I believe. In any event, everybody is out to make a buck, who knows how their making this stuff. Especially how Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet is all the craze. As for me, if I'm not gettting it from Chip, I'm not getting it.

"shots of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and hgh were derived from human nervous systems which may have contained prions of vCJD.
We do not know how many people were infected with this and how long it has been around or who is still infected with such a thing.

Essentially the risk is that your shots may have contained this prion and now you may have it and so cannot give blood in case you pass it onto anyone recieving the blood.

A slim chance of any of this happening, but blood is a very risky product to be given and the blood bank want to do everything they can to minimise the risk as much as possible"