My experience with Testim gel

Greg: sounds like your Estradiol (E2) is high. That's what happens when men are administered T ONLY with no follow-up blood work. Gel is known for aromatizing into estrogen if you're not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) as part of your protocol.

You may have to educate your doc.
Thanks for feedback

Thanks for the feedback bigdtv3. I will have to educate myself first. I do not understand your comment because I don't know much about the subject. Greg
I have used Testim in the past and its OK. *After I finished the Testim - I have been using the Dr Max Powers Testosterone Boost for 4+ years. I absorbing it and the body regulating to the introduction of the hormone takes awhile, at least it did for me. Its also better than taking Testim again. *

You seem kind of young for low T levels. *I do not want anymore*kids, but a sexy wife that's needs regular servicing.*My Doctor did a full blood work up and said my levels are back to normal now. *I think its mainly because I took the Testosterone Boost from Dr Max Powers to help maintain the levels. *And did so in a healthy way. I know he checked my pituitary, and the results came back OK.*
Question- Are you all getting your Testim by Rx from your doctor or NP? Or is there other, cheaper ways of getting it?
Question- Are you all getting your Testim by Rx from your doctor or NP? Or is there other, cheaper ways of getting it?

Let's put it this way....if you don't get your test from a doc, NP, or PA, we don't want to hear about it. This forum is for discussion of LEGAL Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) only. Thanks.
Hi gang, I'm new to the board here.

I am 42 & I recently went to the doc for a small "procedure", you see I have 2 kids & do not want 3.

Anyway as I was waiting I was reading some pamphlets on low test. Had him test my blood to determine what my level was. I called yesterday to get the results & he said it was around 210 (not sure what normal is). He said we could test it again laterr or try some meds. I said, lets some meds, cause I had the low sex drive, no energy, can't concentrate at work, & almost fall asleep at home after work.

So he gave me some sample tubes of Testim 50mg tubes and a 90 day prescription for it.

Probably wont start it for a couple days, want to read up on it first.
Hi gang, I'm new to the board here.

I am 42 & I recently went to the doc for a small "procedure", you see I have 2 kids & do not want 3.

Anyway as I was waiting I was reading some pamphlets on low test. Had him test my blood to determine what my level was. I called yesterday to get the results & he said it was around 210 (not sure what normal is). He said we could test it again laterr or try some meds. I said, lets some meds, cause I had the low sex drive, no energy, can't concentrate at work, & almost fall asleep at home after work.

So he gave me some sample tubes of Testim 50mg tubes and a 90 day prescription for it.

Probably wont start it for a couple days, want to read up on it first. Hoping too maybe it will help my build some muscle mass. Can't seem to grow any.

women love the smell

I am 51 and just started using Testim yesterday because of no energy,weight gain, loss of sex drive etc...After 2 years of treating me for depression doctor finally checked my t level and it is 300. He prescribed one tube per day. I hope this restores my energy. I did a little research on Testim and found it has an ingredient called pentadecalactone, which is a pheronome. That is most likely the reason some women are attracted to the smell.
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I am 51 and just started using Testim yesterday because of no energy,weight gain, loss of sex drive etc...After 2 years of treating me for depression doctor finally checked my t level and it is 300. He prescribed one tube per day. I hope this restores my energy. I did a little research on Testim and found it has an ingredient called pentadecalactone, which is a pheronome. That is most likely the reason some women are attracted to the smell.

Hope it works out good for you. Your just a few yrs older than I am.

I have so much extra testosterone, I have to sweat it out, drives woman nuts. That our I'm so confident it makes me irresistible. Either way I feel great!
So today I took my Rx to Walmart, & after my insurance took off $200, and the $40 off per Rx voucher, it will cost me almost $91 for 30 days. WOW! Does that sound right?
I was prescribed Testim for low T last summer. At first it worked pretty well (I felt better) but it was a major hassle: the daily ordeal of putting the sticky stuff on. It never EVER completely dried, not even after using a blow drier. The smell drove me crazy, too. My wife didn't mind, and I had several women hit on me (different for me.) After two months, I developed tiny raised red bumps over the entire application area. Doc switched me back to cyp inj and all was MUCH better since!
Testim (1st 90 day cycle) - Progress Log

40 yrs. old, 5'7, 200lbs. - Heavy Weightlifter through mid 20's, Wrestler, MMA Trained, Surfer. Fairly healthy but out of shape due to recent back and feet injuries over the past year or so, and just a little thick around the waist. Haven't seriously lifted weights for about 15 years.

Dr. says I have extremely high Triglycerides (1000+), and Low HGL, so I'm taking Fish Oil (for High Tri's). Also says my Test is around 250 (Low), so...wondering if it's all related and,

I currently have no low sex drive - no problems there, no other symptoms mental or otherwise, except maybe a little moody, and angry for no reason sometimes....

On day 3 of Prescribed Testim 1 tube. 1%, and 1500 calories or less with Low Chol/Low Fat focus (using meal replacement and protein shakes), and don't heardly eat sweets (strong willed), and on day 3 of my new work-out plan (I figure taking Testim is a plus to my health condition since I've never taken any anabolic steroids, here's my chance for gains, especially since I know what it takes to build muscles).

So far, no results (and expected since the directions says 2 weeks before noticeable differences), except that my teenage daughter noticed a new smell (smells really, really good, she said). I wear no cologne, and same ole deoderant. Never really had a problem with the ladies (except that I'm married : )). to buy some plastic baggies (for application) since I also have a 3 yr old, and my wife and I are concerned with exposure, and I'm also off to the (24hrs)gym now to work out.

Looking for any tips, guidance, and shared experiences....

I started Testim beginning of last week. I don't expect to see any results for a little while. It does smell and I worry about my wife or kids touching it. I explained to my 3-year old daughter that she is never to touch the tubes (as she has played with stuff in my drawers before). It does seem to smell and is annoying to put on, but this seems the easiest to try first. My testosterone levels are usually around 150. I was on Clomid while my wife and I were trying to concieve. Now that our twins were born in September, I'm off the Clomid and giving the Testim a try. I should try the might help.
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Testim affirmation

First of all, excuse long post but wanted to respond to this, so thanks in advance to all for your indulgence. I'm a new member and while browsing I read your post. I'm 57, 160 lbs, very low body fat (will give full stats in my own thread). I had to reply for a couple of reasons, first and most importantly because I have also gotten great results on Testim. I began TRT over 8 years ago and had read nothing about injections being more effective, which clearly they are for most. So my doc gave me Testim. I won't go into full details here, I will if anyone really wants it, but I have to say I was fairly pissed reading that post accusing you of being a liar.

Let me state, absolutely that for me it has worked for 8 years and continues to do so. My numbers have always been between 800 and 1345 TT (Quest, 241-827mg/dl), and it was 1335 on my last panel a month ago. I'm on what I assume is the standard dosage: 1% gel, 50mg daily. Yes, only 1 tube daily. I cannot imagine why anyone would accuse you of making up stats... what would it serve? However it does seem that we are in the definite minority, I suspect it's mostly about absorption, we are good absorbers, but I don't know this for a fact. I did try Androgel for about 4 months and did ok but levels dropped and just not as satisfactory for me, but for another individual perhaps the compound works better.

This brings me to the other reason I wanted to post on this. Finally someone confirms what happens to me over and over, that is girls love the smell of this stuff. I swear hardly a week goes by that a girl (and a few guys) comment on it, often perfect strangers, at the gym or just out and about. To me it just smells like alcohol but it has blown me away somewhat how much chicks dig the smell. Have no idea what it is about it. Not at all for Androgel, only Testim.

So my evidence is empirical and consistent. I am however needing to start on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) due to some testicular atrophy and also should have long ago gotten numbers on my E2. No obvious problems there but absolutely vital I know now. The only problem I'm having, especially after so long on TRT is the testicle issue. As for all else, I've gotten all the benefits expected with successful testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Well, I suppose I should have posted my intro first and I will post more full info in separate thread, have gone on too long as it is here. But your post and some of the responses motivated me to reply soon as I read it. Good luck to you and I'm glad to have found this great site. Stevie
Testim cont.

Thanks Frustrated1 for the nice welcome. Don't want to get off topic so will just briefly say that one reason I'm here is I was on a similar site, where my first post, similar to this, got me not a welcome but a rebuke and criticism, same with every post after. Although a couple guys were cool there and offered some help I'm glad to be here. I'll post my own thread shortly. Thanks all.
Interesting as in april of 2008 I was not feeling like I did real Tired Lack of Energy, I used to work 10 hour days and lift 4 nights a week. I had my Testosterone tested and at 38 I scored 391 ng/dl and was told I was great. Later did i start finding otherwise.
2 weeks ago I had another test now i am 224 ng/dl.
I started finding myself interested in 0 I can serioulsy sleep 2-3 days straight, I do not drink, I actually have no Interest in much anything anymore. I am wondering if anyone has been able to get an increase in as much as I would to get to optimal Health levels? I read that should be about 800+ I would have to gain almost 800ng/dl. BTW could anyone tell me what this stuff costs approx per month or per year?