Recent content by shitstain

  1. shitstain

    Lets Never forget

    Weird thread.
  2. shitstain


    The LSAT still haunts my dreams. One of the best feelings of my life was when that bastard was over.
  3. shitstain

    OMG my mom almost caught me with steroids!

    Yep. It's pretty stupid to put your mother in that position in the first place. You do realize that they are illegal and could get your mother into some trouble, right?
  4. shitstain

    Whats your new years resolution?

    Yeah, this place is different. Did I miss something?
  5. shitstain

    The best season for a Green Bay QB ever was just completed

    by Aaron Rodgers. Bad ass.
  6. shitstain

    Whats your new years resolution?

    i'd like to poo on a daily basis.
  7. shitstain

    new years fun times

    Cops have guns. I'm not about to jump in with my moves honed from years of playing "Bad Dudes" on the Nintendo.
  8. shitstain

    Idaho ftw

    Yeah, I was quite happy when he came over from the dark side (washington state university) three seasons ago. Plus, his voice is boss. Wife commented that it sounds like a mix between the tazmanian devil, gruff mcgruff, and smokey the bear.
  9. shitstain

    Idaho ftw

    Damn it feels good to be a Vandal.
  10. shitstain

    where are all my old friends?

    Where'd those dumbasses go? I'd like to look them up and make sure they are still idiots.
  11. shitstain

    Looking for legit Prohormones I've got all sorts of personal experience with them. Most recently, I've been trying to shed lbs. in response to the new school year starting up. I dropped 45.4 in 77 days. Henceforth, ladies love me.
  12. shitstain

    Which type of clen?

    See if you can find Hubei Huangshi. I give it the doubles.
  13. shitstain

    Just in case you read this...

    Seriously, Lebron. Quit whining. I hate watching your team play basketball. And your headband looks ridiculous. It is worn way too high on your dome. Push it down a bit. And your beard is stupid too. Yes, I realize that Marv Albert loves you like a cop likes being chubby, but you are not...
  14. shitstain

    Tuna Cakes

    Any new way of eating tuna is welcomed. Somebody should get me a tuna recipe book for Christmas.
  15. shitstain


    A cup is a cup. 8 oz.