Recent content by ski10804life

  1. ski10804life

    fat% ?, and advice?

    Update!: hey guys long time no talk,finished my first cycle around mid summer os 12', it was an epic experience, ended at 209, the Anavar (var) i took at the end was killer. I will post a pic ending soon. I currently purchased my second cycle a few days ago. Test E again, and Anavar (var) from...
  2. ski10804life


    interestingly enough this is the situation/desicions i am facing at the present time, im unsure what to do.
  3. ski10804life

    Crossfit & cycle

    might have a problem with your blood pressure while on a cycle and do xfit, i have been doing xfit 3 times a week for about two months now its amazing, still hit the gym 4 times a week to. My xfit workouts last normally 30-40 mins weekdays and 60+ on sunday mornings, both strength and endurance...
  4. ski10804life

    I don't get it

    try mixing crossfit in 2-3 times a week ontop of your weight training, make sure your calories are up when you start but it will do wonders, it has for me and im only finished with month 2
  5. ski10804life

    Mixing crossfit and weight training

    I do the same thing for the past 2 months, 4 days hitting weights, and 3 days at xfit, it works wonders. Make sure you up ytour calorie intake by %25 at least when u start crossfit you will need the calories if the crossfit gym you go to dows legit WODs
  6. ski10804life

    Crossfit, who here has experience with it?

    I havebeen avid about the gym and trying to push heavy weight for years. As of 2 months ago i tried crossfit, let me tell you its humbling. They make fun of us "globo gym" dwellers, as they call it. I make fun of them for being tree hugging hippies. Bottom line is we find an equal medium and the...
  7. ski10804life

    6 weeks into test E cycle

    Im doing the same thing, keeping my diet super clean. And trying to put on quality lean gains, not blow up then shrink down. I know im bigger can tell visually and strength is up, almost on week 6. i started at 194 12% bf, Looking good man keep up the good work. I havent weighd myself yet, i...
  8. ski10804life

    Vices - what's yours?

    Dude, SKoal will be the death of me. Used to dip everyonce in a while, now every free chance i get (especially when coaching, playing video games, and fishing) i throw in a lipper, im up to almost a tin a day its rediculous i cant stop lol.
  9. ski10804life

    fat% ?, and advice?

    legs was somthing i never worked because i have plaied lax all my life and didnt want to get slower, plus i was only 175-180 when i played, i am not 194 and have been working my legs, they have come along way since that picture. I will post some soon when my home computer is back up and running...
  10. ski10804life

    fat% ?, and advice?

    I know i need to switch categories in the forum, just a quick update. Test E 500 a week from pinnacle, awsome stuff, 22g is a lil rough on the virgin muscle but not bad. Im currently half way through week 3, going great, notice a very slight strength increase, and i meen hardly anything. I chalk...
  11. ski10804life

    PIP, help?

    ^^ yeah def looks like thats why haha, thanks.
  12. ski10804life

    PIP, help?

    i also love how my work system puts that wierd coding in my posts WTF!
  13. ski10804life

    PIP, help?

    I***8217;m good not, only first 3 pins got to me, now it***8217;s not bad more just annoying nothing any normal person can***8217;t handle. My cycle is going well, week 4 starts Saturday. I noticed so far I can do 5lbs more on lifts then i normally could with bench and tris, back and bis...
  14. ski10804life

    PIP, help?

    no responses lol, thanks for the help guys, sorry for the typos on that last post, typed on my phone kinda fast got me frustrated when people dont read all the thread then think they know what to address.
  15. ski10804life

    It's Millertime! First test cycle log

    Nice, it was the start of my 3rd week on Saturday, i feel alot tighter. Might be imagination by my chest does look different, so does my stomach (more defined) due to my diet, trying to keep it super clean, but not sure, great log