Recent content by The_Brit

  1. T

    The Brit gets ripped; strong and shredded!

    Very short update from me then. Great session tonight ***8211; this was the first night of the new ***8220;push routine***8221;. It should have been ***8220;pull***8221; but I got into the gym and was waddling so badly from yesterdays leg session there was no way I was going to be able to...
  2. T

    The Brit gets ripped; strong and shredded!

    OK, so I just got back from the gym - amazing session! I now feel absolutely ****ed!! So drink driving is dangerous, but I was well and truely over the safe lactic acid threshold in my legs to drive back today. I feet were so heavy it was about as smoother card ride as my first lesson when I...
  3. T

    The Brit gets ripped; strong and shredded!

    Ok, so here it is... in a rough form... very rough... potentially my next training cycle Tried my best to get an even split; in terms of Legs, Push, Pull, and in terms of time spent in the gym. You'll notice that I've split shoulders over 2 sessions ; with one session focussing more on traps...
  4. T

    Cheat once every two weeks while on clen?

    it completely depends on your diet, level of BF, calorie deficit, and genetics. whats your daily diet like? including macros
  5. T

    2nd Cycle: test cyp or prop/anavar

    ^^^^^ nail + head!
  6. T

    Test/tren/anavar first cycle.

    Sounds like this is your first cycle. I wouldnt add in Tren. Not unless your a serious and experienced user. In the meantime - am I right in assuming your also using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) whilst n cycle?? People who don't PCT are just informed...
  7. T

    grip strenght? opinions ? articles?

    Google "hook grip" method for lifting oh natural. Second to that, if its sweat and not grip - look at liquid chalk. Finally for me, High rep Kroc Rows is what sorted out my grip - along with swapping out shrugs for Snatch Grip high pulls and not releasing the bar during sets. The Kroc rows I...
  8. T

    Newbie! Trying to Make acome back

    at 5'8 and 168lbs @ 23%bf I would expect you to be eating closer to 1900-2000kcals/day. Providing your hitting the gym and doing exercise? How did you work out you needed 1350kcals?
  9. T

    Old dudes! help me out with a question

    -so have you sorted out your knowledge gap in terms of diet now then? or is the plan just to juice at 20% BF and blindly see where it gets you?
  10. T

    Need some help for a pct.

    Just run Clomid and Nolva. Its probably too late now to use caber to combat the tren. "time on + pct time = time off"......... so just 3 months?
  11. T

    Sustanon 250 with Beast Epistane...

    Thats just abusing steriods when you cant even string together the most basic of cycles as referenced in the OP! What ever happened to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and running an AI? At the end of the day EPI for that long will cause you problems - but shutting your natty test down, and...
  12. T

    I need halp on test400 please give me the time of day, thank you.

    To clarify - the rules you agreed to when you joined the forum included not asking for a source. We (the members of the forum) are therefore bound by our agreement with steriodology NOT to tell you where you can buy steriods. Sorry bud, I suggest you either continue to troll the net, or find...
  13. T

    Metal's test/tren log

    Hey bud, glad to see your still going strong in here! When we going to get update pics?
  14. T

    first clen cycle ever pls help!!

    Different people react differently to clen. Personally, I would start at a low dosage like you did, then just keep ramping it up until the shakes are unbarable / not practical - at which point I then drop back by a tab per day. I.e 20,40,60,80,100,120,140 (at which the shakes are too much)...
  15. T

    308Power is Back from the Dead

    308 - Really interesting thread. You going to start a training log - I for one would be keen to read about your split and training techniques. I managed to slip two discs in my lower back 6 months ago, so training was non existent for a while, and is slowly getting back to where it should be...