Recent content by Toolshed23

  1. Toolshed23

    Aromasin dosage

    You have to adjust it for yourself. I have done 12.5 mg a day and had great gains. I would say you're good at that dosage. If you want to go down you can, but that is probably around a good dosage for on cycle.
  2. Toolshed23

    is it SAFE to buy from INTERNET?

    If someone was to buy illegal drugs online that person faces the risk of the drugs being caught by customs, and the purchase can be tracked because it was purchased online. Someone that orders illegal drugs online may have to sign to recieve the package and signing would be admiting it is your...
  3. Toolshed23

    Fear of Tren Sides

    Sounds good guys. I just hear all this crazy negative stuff about tren, but also crazy good things as well. When people say the sides are over hyped it gives me confidence to try it. Some people out there make it sound like its almost better to die then continue tren use so I think to myself...
  4. Toolshed23

    Fear of Tren Sides

    Ok so I am interested in running Tren as I never have, and it is so loved by many. I am just afraid of the sides people talk about. I would want to do higher Tren than test as I have read it lowers the sides. I would like to know if anyone has experience with tren at 200 mg a week and say test...
  5. Toolshed23

    My first cycle - your thoughts please

    You will love test! I dont think I've ever seen or herd someone who has done a legit test only cycle that said "I don't like test". lol its almost funny to say. If you want to start at 300 mg a week thats fine, My first cycle I did 600 mg test a week and had NO side effects besides muscle gain...
  6. Toolshed23

    Pro Hormone Powder

    Hey guys I was looking at a banner on the right side of the page ( and saw they had powders for ph's. just wondering what one would mix this with to make a oral solution, and i herd some people are actually injecting this stuff? Any one herd anything on that?
  7. Toolshed23


    Hello, I have been reading lately on ghrp-2 and have see claims that it can raise hdl and lower ldl. I was wondering if anyone knows to what extent ghrp-2 does this? I cant seem to find any info on it, and I feel it would be helpful on a tren cycle as tren harshly affects hdl and ldl levels and...
  8. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    yeah i need to do that, I have just had friends that have used kits, so I got one. I will buy all the stuff individually in the future
  9. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    I have it at 120 mg/ml, and have the ba/bb from a kit I had. It's 25 ml and I used 4 ml of the ba/bb blend
  10. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    Yeah i thought I would try but it turned out horrible, o well. I'll just some from my supplier
  11. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    After letting it sit for a night it went cloudy again. I'm not using it, its not worth it. Gave crystal method a try tho
  12. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    Ok I just baked it at 250 degrees f. For 30 min and it is worlds clearer with yellow tint but I can see through it pretty well. I can put a finger on the ither side and its still a little cloudy but u can see ny finger through it. Is this ok?
  13. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    The first one is the batch. The second pic is the batch comparted to the oil i mixed the tren with. Its a little cloudy, but mostly a weird yellow. If i put my finger on the other side I cant see my finger through the batch.
  14. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    The second photo is of the tren (left) and the origional solution (right [sesame oil/EO : 50/50])
  15. Toolshed23

    Tren A batch, is it ok?

    Just finished a crystal fina conversion ( my first attempt). The color is getting me worried. I followed the instructions on bass killer. Let me know if this is ok or if I should scrap it and start over.