

Hello, I have been reading lately on ghrp-2 and have see claims that it can raise hdl and lower ldl. I was wondering if anyone knows to what extent ghrp-2 does this? I cant seem to find any info on it, and I feel it would be helpful on a tren cycle as tren harshly affects hdl and ldl levels and it may also help as tren raises igf-1 sensitivety
In 1997 a study found that in normal adults, the more human growth hormone (HGH) they had, the higher their level of the good HDL cholesterol that sucks the unhealthy LDL from the walls of the arteries and carries it to the liver for disposal from the body.

Human growth hormone has been shown to increase the healthy HDL cholesterol and lower the dangerous LDL cholesterol thereby decreasing the risk of clogged arteries.

A study on heart disease done by Bengtsson of the University of Goteborg showed that the 333 patients he tested with severe human growth hormone deficiency had normal cholesterol levels, however, when he split the cholesterol between LDL and HDL cholesterol, the levels showed a different story.

These human growth hormone deficient patients had very high levels of the very harmful LDL cholesterol and very low levels of the good, protective HDL cholesterol.

Bengtsson concluded that this could help to explain the double increase in cardiovascular disease experienced by this group of patients.

After 6 months of HGH therapy these patient's LDL level was decreased and their HDL level was increased, which is the desired effect.
peptide research is interesting. A lot of what was done in 03,04,05 is now out dated. What we know now would/will make lots of that research in vaild or no longer true.

you should still read all you can, but if you watch the dates a lot of the newer research findings is very different than what it was 5-8yrs back.
I agree with you Gymrat.. this one is old... but I don't really think new studies would show anything different in this regard.. Pretty basic stuff.