Recent content by wclark316

  1. wclark316

    Testosterone 500mg per week / cutting

    sucks to be them, i never seen it
  2. wclark316

    1st cycle officially underway!

    .8 twice a week.. just do it all at once u will be better off.
  3. wclark316

    test susp, cyp, and tren a cycle?

    ill give u what i have done.. that worked well for me.. but first test susp for preworkout is killer!! I love it.. but switch to TNE it way way better its oil based and not water based. cycle 300 test c a week tren if your first run 75 eod work your way up to 250 or where you can handle it...
  4. wclark316

    Testosterone 500mg per week / cutting

    burning 1000 calories per day via cardio probably not if you are holding a lot of water while on hgh its bunk.. or up it 5 ius when you wake up 5 before bed
  5. wclark316

    I want to add Tren-A to my current testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (blast and crews)

    if your going to tren then make it woth if 8 weeks, you will start to see a lot of changes then its over. start at 50 ed and see how u feel you can always bumb it up i stopped at 200 eod. was good for me. its all about feel.
  6. wclark316

    Tren Only Cycle lol

    i was talking about the mast prop.. but if your tren cycle is working don't change it i know some that run tren 200 ed 400 ed. those are the big fucks 250+ 6-7% bf
  7. wclark316

    Poosible signs of gyno? Puffy nips?

    if you really think u have it take something.... a lot of guys get on test play with there fucking nipples all the time cause they are so freaked out about getting gyno and then there nips get sensitive and they think they have gyno..
  8. wclark316

    What's my bf % ?? , currently on test prop week 3 , adding in tren a on week 8 !!

    he is one of a kind and he will never be replaced, and he also had knee replacement liver and heart surgery. wish i knew if it was from steroid use or not,,, highly doubt the knee was. but liver id say so. but could be wrong
  9. wclark316

    Test C and Tren A

    keep it test 300 a week tren A 75 eod and just go by feel i got up to 200 eod it was good for me.
  10. wclark316

    What's my bf % ?? , currently on test prop week 3 , adding in tren a on week 8 !!

    that's fucks up dude don't wish bad shit on people. Arnold started at 14-15 he was MR O CHAMP at 19. so fucking what if people want to do there own thing.
  11. wclark316

    Second Cycle

    give it a shot you will love it.. but your a tren man now... fuck all that other lame shit..
  12. wclark316

    Tren or more cyp

    ya for sure make sure you are feeling better! all those things u just said go see a doc get have him get some blood work done on you. and i am sure he will give u what you need to get betterl.. hope you a quick and fast recovery
  13. wclark316

    I just need that last push!

    i have never met a dude that is freaky big that uses prohormones because they are shit
  14. wclark316

    NOlvadex and tren???

    lower the test, tren always higher. next time use tren ace E is shit. you will see the difference! and thank me. and you wont have as many sides. and you will blow up way more mass.