test susp, cyp, and tren a cycle?


Master of Glory
hey I have a question. I have run pretty much every kind of juice available, except for some "blends" for the past 8 years. I am 26 y/o 5' 11" 250lbs and 10% looking to get to around 270. but im wondering if there is anybody with some input on running said cycle.

1g cyp a week
700mg susp (100 mg ed injections almost as a pre workout)
600mg tren a a week(shot with the susp ed except for sunday, I feel it lessens the pain at the inj site mixed)

my thoughts are that the short ester test run with the long ester test will help with the rentention of gains that are usually lost from the susp, I also keep edema down with letro, adex or whatever Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is readily available through my supplier. test and tren are the base for pretty much all my cycles, now I know that some people think that susp needs to be injected twice a day minimum bc of the crash and peak effect of the short ester buti don't think that applies to my uses in this cycle.

do u mix the suspension and tren in the same pinn? i've never used test susp but have known others who have and isn't it water-based?
I got test susp. twice and both times it solidified in the vial i was told to heat it in hot water until it liquified but as soon as i drew it up it solidified in the pin, not sure if i had a bad batch just stayed away after that
test susp is the same as any other suspension (i.e. majority of injectable stanozolol) to the effect that it is literally testosterone powder with no attached ester suspended in bacteriostatic water (water) and benzyl benzoate (alcohol.. kind of). if its clogging pins it probably wasn't filtered properly b/c someone was putting stretching the test further before making a superior product. to give you an idea imagine it as muddy water, over time the mud in the muddy water will setle to the bottom, and you will have to shake it to make the mixture become homogenous once again. same deal shake that shit lol. and yes you can mix it in the same pin as your tren or test looks like a lava lamp
Can you really inject test susp pre workout and get benefits from it? Would it be increased strength and endurace or what? It's always something I've wanted to know.
Can you really inject test susp pre workout and get benefits from it? Would it be increased strength and endurace or what? It's always something I've wanted to know.

Yes, you can get big benefits from doing it that way. Aggression and strength are absolutely through the roof(at 100mg ed) about an hour-2 after inject
I personally feel TNE (the oil form of test susp) is a much better pre workout, the only downside being it feels like mike Tyson punched the inj site
damn so the susp and tren a mixed actually lessens the inj site pain for u? i would think it would make it worse since most people say susp hurts like a bitch just like alot of other water based injectables. everybody reacts different though so that good shit
the pain comes from one of three things when it comes to susp
1) you inject it too fast b/c of how thin it is (mixing it in with a oil helps to prevent this)
2)the guy making it didn't properly filter it, which is hard because I assume it clogs the whatman filter pretty quick with the undisolved test powder
3) too much Benzyl Benzoate in the mixture
test/tren is my fav stack just never done test susp. should be good to go though bro. how long you planning on running the cycle? also maybe look into getting some caber or prami just in case of prolactin sides from the tren
never had an issue with tren really had my "manmory" glands removed due to bad gyno from test before i ever ran tren (this is my 8th or 9th tren cycle) i normally run the tren for 8 weeks and the high levels of test for 12 then just go down to 250 a week of the test e to keep my levels normal (i boost and coast)
hey I have a question. I have run pretty much every kind of juice available, except for some "blends" for the past 8 years. I am 26 y/o 5' 11" 250lbs and 10% looking to get to around 270. but im wondering if there is anybody with some input on running said cycle.

1g cyp a week
700mg susp (100 mg ed injections almost as a pre workout)
600mg tren a a week(shot with the susp ed except for sunday, I feel it lessens the pain at the inj site mixed)

my thoughts are that the short ester test run with the long ester test will help with the rentention of gains that are usually lost from the susp, I also keep edema down with letro, adex or whatever Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is readily available through my supplier. test and tren are the base for pretty much all my cycles, now I know that some people think that susp needs to be injected twice a day minimum bc of the crash and peak effect of the short ester buti don't think that applies to my uses in this cycle.


ill give u what i have done.. that worked well for me.. but first test susp for preworkout is killer!! I love it.. but switch to TNE it way way better its oil based and not water based.


300 test c a week tren if your first run 75 eod work your way up to 250 or where you can handle it. at your size you might be able to do 300 or more eod.

first time on tren? and TNE prework out...