Tren or more cyp

cyp and e are basically the same. If you have 200mg cyp and 300mg e you have 500mg of long ester test. Personally I would try and stick with the same compound, but that's just me. Yes you can mix cyp and e in the same syringe, but switch needles between draws.
If I'm on cyp right now, does it matter if I add 300 mg of test e a week or will it take that much longer to achieve stable levels? Can I mix the cyp in the syringe with the test e and be okay?[/QUOTE

Bro you don't feel the cyp cause its not working LOL. I don't respond to test cyp at all like injecting water. Body can't break down ester sucks hua? I have done my research and talked to at least 12 people mostly on try from the doc they have the same issue. Most did.not respond to cyp or e. But each and every one of.em said that only test prop worked. Some lack esterase to break down esters.

Ian not here to argue with anybody. Now go get some test prop and prove me wrong.

And what's with the androgel. Can someone explain the phaemokinetics of anseogel is it pure test or moldy pestered?

Any bro I feel your pain and LOL don't run decades cause your gonna fuc ur self up cause the test is not working and you will be shutdown.

And I ran cyp at 200mg and at week 6 I felt like super man LOL but after that week it stopped willing to never work again. After that it felt like injecting water. Body can't break down ester or built anti body's to the cyp? Who knows wtf is going on. So the androgel not working cause its not getting absorbed may not be the reason its not working

Good luck bro get some test prop and you should be gtg. Make sure its legit. Good luck.
How hard do you work out? What are you expecting to "feel" at 200 mgs a wk? I'm a newbie at all this, but I do know that your body will respond to brutal punishment and good rest and a healthy diet. You have to have all three consistently, or you break down and prob just wasting your time. And from what I've gathered, if you do all three, test will respond accordingly. I don't know much about the whole lack of esterase thing, but it seems off. Does the ester bind to the hormone so much that it shields it from being connected to its receptor site?
Bump. Any truth to what P91 said? If this is it, I just found the answer to literally all of my problems!! I'm ordering some prop regardless.
I've never heard of that, but that doesn't mean it's not true. Give the prop a shot (no pun intended) and let us know!

Letting us know as in blood tests please, not a general "feeling" of the test working. :D
Bump. Any truth to what P91 said? If this is it, I just found the answer to literally all of my problems!! I'm ordering some prop regardless.

no... to be 100% honest you sound like you have no idea what your doing and some of the advice your getting is crap. you need to do WAY more RESEARCH before you mess with aas. and no offense but by looking at your avatar you are not even close to your genetic potential. you could prob get similar result by eating the proper amount of quality food and training right. but since you started i guess you have to do something about it.

bump your test up to 500 mgs per week. that is plenty see solid results.

idk how long you have been on so far but a 12 week cycle is pretty standard length. take week 13 off and run a good post cycle therapy (pct). nolva or clomid. then take time off. and do some RESEARCH!!
I've been considering adding onto the 200 mg of test cyp a week, and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I'm on, but can't decide between 50 mg of tren ace ED or upping my cyp up to 500 mg a week to see what happens. If I go with the tren I risk the side effects and possibly calling everything off, but if I go with the cyp I need to adjust my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose and I'm not sure if that would be bad for me. Either way, if I go with the cyp how long should I run it, and would 500 be enough to see anything more?


If your concerned about your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) being bad for you you shouldn't even think about tren!
There's not an ounce of validity to what he said, right?

No way man... test is test and EVERYONE responds to it... he even contradicts himself if you read closely. first test cyp doesnt work cause he cant break it down. then he says he was taking 200mgs a week and felt great on week 6 but it stopped working after that? then he goes on the say "who knows wtf is going on"...

There is so much wrong with his statement.
I've been considering adding onto the 200 mg of test cyp a week, and the HCG I'm on, but can't decide between 50 mg of tren ace ED or upping my cyp up to 500 mg a week to see what happens. If I go with the tren I risk the side effects and possibly calling everything off, but if I go with the cyp I need to adjust my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose and I'm not sure if that would be bad for me. Either way, if I go with the cyp how long should I run it, and would 500 be enough to see anything more?

i love tren! tren is king, keep test low 300 week, tren 50 ed is good start you can always work your way up. i stoped at 200 eod.
Well regardless I need to get my health figured out before I go and do aas. Before my line of thinking was that I'd just hit a plateau and I needed aas to get over it, but I've actually hit a slope, and it has something to do with my health. Things I've been experiencing include:
Loss of appetite- I barely want to eat anything at all until after noon, and even then its just not there. I use to eat constantly, and enjoy food. Now I have to force feed.

Slightly anemic- no idea why considering my test is in the normal range..potentially b12/folate/iron issues, but I do eat a lot of meat and veggies so I don't know, celiac maybe?

Weight loss- I've probably lost a little over ten pounds over the last year, a decent amount in muscle, with no real explanation other than my appetite being fucked.

Fatigue- compared to how I felt before, my energy just sucks. I get lightheaded during compound sets and just feel short of breath. I'll get random little headaches now too.

I don't know what's related to what, but I'm planning on going in to my doc and saying I want the full run up. Last labs were:
TSH: 1.008 Sodium
143 (136-145).
Potassium 4.1 (3.5-5.1).
Chloride 105. (98-107).
Co2- 33 ( 23-29). HIGH.
Creatine: 1.04. (.6-1.3).
BUN 17. (7-18).
Glucose 86. (70-100).
Calcium 9.6 8.5-10.5
Well regardless I need to get my health figured out before I go and do aas. Before my line of thinking was that I'd just hit a plateau and I needed aas to get over it, but I've actually hit a slope, and it has something to do with my health. Things I've been experiencing include:
Loss of appetite- I barely want to eat anything at all until after noon, and even then its just not there. I use to eat constantly, and enjoy food. Now I have to force feed.

Slightly anemic- no idea why considering my test is in the normal range..potentially b12/folate/iron issues, but I do eat a lot of meat and veggies so I don't know, celiac maybe?

Weight loss- I've probably lost a little over ten pounds over the last year, a decent amount in muscle, with no real explanation other than my appetite being fucked.

Fatigue- compared to how I felt before, my energy just sucks. I get lightheaded during compound sets and just feel short of breath. I'll get random little headaches now too.

I don't know what's related to what, but I'm planning on going in to my doc and saying I want the full run up. Last labs were:
TSH: 1.008 Sodium
143 (136-145).
Potassium 4.1 (3.5-5.1).
Chloride 105. (98-107).
Co2- 33 ( 23-29). HIGH.
Creatine: 1.04. (.6-1.3).
BUN 17. (7-18).
Glucose 86. (70-100).
Calcium 9.6 8.5-10.5

ya for sure make sure you are feeling better! all those things u just said go see a doc get have him get some blood work done on you. and i am sure he will give u what you need to get betterl.. hope you a quick and fast recovery
Never heard of someone no responding to test e or c unless the gear was bunk.

That's what I was thinking, which I know isn't the case because I get it through prescription. It is weird though that androgel gave me better results than the cypionate, and I have much higher levels on the IM than I ever did transdermal. I could give prop a shot if all my BW comes back saying I'm healthy. I don't have anything to lose, and prop's fairly cheap I suppose.

Oh and your avatar is sexy as hell.