Recent content by xflipside

  1. X

    Flips Summer Transformation. Sust/EQ/Mast

    Cycle Sust 250 - 375mg 1-16. Pinned 3x a week 125mg. EQ - 700mg 1-16. Pinned 2x a week 350mg. Mast E - 300mg 1-16. Pinned 3x a week 100mg. Tbol - 50mg 1-6 split 25 morning 25 pre. anavar - 40mg 10-16 split 10mg 4x GW-1516 15mg a day for 8 weeks around cycling event time (non competitive) hcg...
  2. X

    Test Phenylpropionate Experiences?

    I only ever feel a kick with short ester test. No other hormone gives me that mental detection. Its almost like an alertness/euphoria/energy. Any other short ester hormones just show sides/effects faster, test is really the only psychologically affecting hormone for me besides mast and tren. But...
  3. X

    Test Phenylpropionate Experiences?

    Phenyl prop is my favorite. EOD pins keep very steady levels. More steady then prop, but I like prop for its uhmph. I get less water retention on prop too. But phenyl prop I get less than test e. Call me crazy but I am a poor responder to test e. 97% tested test e 400mg was blown out of the...
  4. X

    Lowest Melanotan II does that one can run for results

    I usually just do 250mcg 2x a week until Im the desired color then once a week. Sometimes if Im looking to get dark quickly Ill do 250mcg ED and tan 30min ED for 1 week and Ill be pretty dark. Skin type II
  5. X

    3J"s Reverse Pyramid Training Philosophy

    At-failure set with light weights before your regular sets: more muscle strength, more muscle mass - Your reverse pyramid has scientific literature supporting it now :) or atleast more!
  6. X

    How does oil metabolize??

    I'm not 100% sure but the oil gets emulsified(unsure this process in the muscle tissue) so it can get absorbed into the blood stream. As it passes through the hepatic portal vein, bile acids will help further break it down so lipase can metabolize the oil in fatty acids and mono acyl glycerol
  7. X

    epi strong need help guys

    I did 30/30/40/40/40/40 when I ran epistane. If I had more I would have ran it higher probably 40/40/60/60/60/60. Backpumps were insane for me though so maybe not haha! 40 felt about right. 2 capsules 2x a day
  8. X

    xflipside turns to the Dark Side

    Day 38 Macros: F/C/P/kcal 92/400/400/4028 (burned roughly 700kcal in cardio so it puts me on my ideal recomp kcal for a workout day, 3300) this is a traditional 40/40/20 split Reason why kcal is so high is becuase I did a ton of cardio and did a double day today (shoulders for 1.5hr then...
  9. X

    cheph's summer cycle. dbol, prop, ultradex, anavar

    Ive never done a lat pin but always wanted to...makes sense since its such a large muscle(length wise). Did you put the needle all the way in?
  10. X

    SP's on/off-season log

    Lookin good man! Keep it up
  11. X

    Well Here it is my summer cycle!

    Good to hear that the shoulder to better but bummer to hear about the illness! Guess its part of the deal when having kids haha but I hear the pros far outweigh the cons. Speedy recovery to you bro!
  12. X

    xflipside turns to the Dark Side

    Day 34 Was a rest day w/ macros: 80/200/270/2600 Day 35 Today Macros: 85/330/295/3265 Was chest day! Felt a little tweak going on in my shoulder...however stretched it out for about 3min inbetween exercises and it went away. Have to say, the pump on arm day this past sunday was UNREAL...
  13. X

    xflipside turns to the Dark Side

    Day 32 Macros: F/C/P/kcal 80/310/270/3050 I will probably coast at this macro breakdown now for the cycle with +250 kcal(3300) on workout days and -500 kcal(2550) on non workout days with carbs being the biggest "movable" calories...the test is definitely kicked in as was noted in the last log...