Recent content by XooL

  1. X

    Looking for Tuna Steak Recipes

    do it on the gorge forman they are great, then have some brown rice with it, yummie
  2. X

    New routine

    hay all, i bin doing 3 days on and a day off but on my day off all i can do is think about gettin back in the gym, so i changed my routine to 5 days on and 2 days off, please could you give me some feedback on my routine see what you guys think, Monday - Chest + Abs Tuesday - Arms (...
  3. X

    weight gainer

    u ever try true mass by BSN, i used this for about 4 months and packed on some serious gains, was a really good weight gainer and all the reviews about it say just that, give it a shot and see how it goes
  4. X

    Protien or creatine

    hay all, starting my test cycle 500mg test a week but im trying to get a cut look not big a bulky so was wondering would it be worth taking creatine or protine shakes why i am on this cycle?? which would help me the most in cutting?? please any info would be great, i know i could take winnie...
  5. X

    Cut out protein shakes

    i stoped taking my shakes aswell, started to get a gut from it so i stoped and i can feel and see the diffrence, just adding more protein to my diet ie, more meat and chicken
  6. X

    NOLVADEX info

    thanx for the info dude,, real help :P
  7. X

    trying to loose weight (PLEASE HELP)

    take sunday off and do nothing!!!! u gotta rest dude even if its a little 30min cardio,, bin it and rest
  8. X

    One on, One off

    ok well i decided not to do it.. im doing the 2 days on and one day off and work 2 - 3 body parts on my gym days :P
  9. X

    My Top 5 Lifting Routines

    come on man have a little dignity
  10. X

    One on, One off

    What you guys think to that training routine?? total body workout for one day giving 100% then have next day off then repeate.. any1 think its good or should i stick with the 2 on , one off.. i train so far mon tues thurs fri which do you guys think is better?
  11. X

    How's my Routine?!?

    u need more than one day off mate... resting is the key to growing
  12. X

    Celltech with protien

    Well im gonna av a cell-tech first thing in the morning, and last thing at nyt.... and im aving a protien shake, pre workout and post workout so thanx for the info guys
  13. X

    Androlic 50mg Tabs

    are they any good???
  14. X

    F***, I found out about a drug test I'm going to have to do...

    no mate u arnt screwed... 9/10 drug test do not test for steroids, i am in the armed forces and i have a drug test every 2 months and never been caught out.... look read this,
  15. X

    Celltech with protien

    hay all.. i haveing like 3 protien shakes a day and i also have a full tube of cell tech creatine... would it be a waste to take the cell tech as well??.. so i would be haveing like 3 protien shakes and 3 cell tech shakes a day!!!! Do you think it is way to much??? but i am having a hard 2 day...