1.5yrs on cycle - lab results inside.


New member
1.5yrs on cycle. 3 months PCT - lab results

This is a follow up to a thread I posted a few months ago. I blasted and cruised for a year and a half before I decided to come off all together. I ran a 30day PCT of clomid and nolva which seems to have worked. Although, I should have stayed on PCT longer I think.

Anyways, It has been 3 months since I completed my PCT and I just got bloodwork. See results below:

TT: 505 ng/dL
LH: 2.9 mIU/mL
FSH: 1.9 mIU/mL
Estradiol: 18 pg/mL

Image attached as well

Unfortunately I never had bloodwork before I started cycling so I don't know what my baseline was. Based on my results it seems like my LH and FSH are a little on the lower end of the reference range. Do you all agree? I wonder, if I can increase my LH and FSH will my testosterone also raise? I'd like to see my TT in the 600 range for my age.

Should I run another post cycle therapy (pct)? I really don't want to be bound to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life. Really wish I didn't abuse AAS but live and learn I guess. Any help is appreciated.
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You're numbers look surprisingly good. Your LH and FSH may be on the lower side because your pituitary senses that your body had enough testosterone at the time of the lab test. I would just retest again in a few months and see how your numbers look. Hopefully they continue to improve.

I hope you don't plan on running anymore 1.5year cycles in the future. You might not be so lucky.
You're numbers look surprisingly good. Your LH and FSH may be on the lower side because your pituitary senses that your body had enough testosterone at the time of the lab test. I would just retest again in a few months and see how your numbers look. Hopefully they continue to improve.

I hope you don't plan on running anymore 1.5year cycles in the future. You might not be so lucky.

What do you mean? Because he could be dead or just not being able to recover? (i'm not playing a smart ass)
What do you mean? Because he could be dead or just not being able to recover? (i'm not playing a smart ass)

The longer you take exogenous test, the more difficult it can be to recover your natural test production when you come off. This is one of the reasons that most guys only run cycles for 12-16 weeks.
What's your age?
It's cause you did HCG while you were on...that's what saved you. I didn't use HCG while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 2.5 yrs.
Your HCT is high...
you need a therapeutic phlebotomy prescription. Blood centres will turn you away.
You took too much HCG....
2000 i.u. doses only raise inter testicular E2 which can cause hypogonadism.
The body does not utilize massive amounts of HCG.
You can only absorb 500 i.u. at a time.
500 i.u. E3D would have been ideal throughout cycle.
The longer you take exogenous test, the more difficult it can be to recover your natural test production when you come off. This is one of the reasons that most guys only run cycles for 12-16 weeks.

This is true, but remember that men have taken T for 3 years and recovered within 3 months. Scally says even his guys that were on for 5 years recovered.
This is true, but remember that men have taken T for 3 years and recovered within 3 months. Scally says even his guys that were on for 5 years recovered.

Then why can't I recover to my Natty 582 T.T. after 2.5 yrs of TRT....tried everything....
No budging in T.T. for 16 months. My Natty level of T.T. after 3 months was the same as my level after 16 months.
Supplements, Sat. Fat increase, more workouts...nothing worked.
Was stuck at 265-291 ng/dl T.T. and with E3D Adex as well....
LH was 4 IU/L FSH was 2 IU/L
Personally i do not believe in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) before the age of 55.. I dont care wtf studies say or anyone says.. But the human body learns to adapt and overcome.. Ones body does more then ppl anticipate.. If ur body gets shit down run a few pcts thats it.. Dont take credit away from the human body.. I ran a 1.5 year cycle yes i abused heavy none stop high test.. Ran deca and tren together.. Tren i ran for like 8months.. Deca ran for 5 months.. And just went ape shit... Kept throwing in random shit bcz at the time i was dumb and wanted to grow.. Didnt even run a pct.. I was about 22.. Started that cycle when i was 20.. Yeah my body was shot.. Afterwards i was tired.. Sleepy.. Headaches migrains.. And no libido.. Absolutely could not get a hard dick.. Even with the sex pills from the gas stations nthn!! But took 5 months with no pcts n bammm my body naturally recovered without nthn.. I had docs telling.me.ill be on.trt for life and need to tell my girlfriend.make.heraware...i.told him.ill.come back...manned up n.figured it.the hell out.. Guess what i ran.lots more cycles after that.. With proper pcts.. Im.on another 1.5 year cycle now.will.end nov of next year but this.tkme.will.keep.cycling.hcg in and wont fail to use proper pct at the.end.. But then.again.im.looking.for a pro card anyhow

Ohh btw when.i.was completely shutdown after that first.long stint.. The.doc said.forgetabouy having.kids.. I.had a kid about a year after that a little.girl.. And.now.i have another.one.on.the way.. Dont listen.to.doctors work on.ur own.body.. The body does.more then what were told...unlock it.. Live.n.learn
This is true, but remember that men have taken T for 3 years and recovered within 3 months. Scally says even his guys that were on for 5 years recovered.

Agree. I tried to choose my words carefully. :)

It is great to have you back Det Oak. We missed you.
Personally i do not believe in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) before the age of 55.. I dont care wtf studies say or anyone says.. But the human body learns to adapt and overcome.. Ones body does more then ppl anticipate.. If ur body gets shit down run a few pcts thats it.. Dont take credit away from the human body.. I ran a 1.5 year cycle yes i abused heavy none stop high test.. Ran deca and tren together.. Tren i ran for like 8months.. Deca ran for 5 months.. And just went ape shit... Kept throwing in random shit bcz at the time i was dumb and wanted to grow.. Didnt even run a pct.. I was about 22.. Started that cycle when i was 20.. Yeah my body was shot.. Afterwards i was tired.. Sleepy.. Headaches migrains.. And no libido.. Absolutely could not get a hard dick.. Even with the sex pills from the gas stations nthn!! But took 5 months with no pcts n bammm my body naturally recovered without nthn.. I had docs telling.me.ill be on.trt for life and need to tell my girlfriend.make.heraware...i.told him.ill.come back...manned up n.figured it.the hell out.. Guess what i ran.lots more cycles after that.. With proper pcts.. Im.on another 1.5 year cycle now.will.end nov of next year but this.tkme.will.keep.cycling.hcg in and wont fail to use proper pct at the.end.. But then.again.im.looking.for a pro card anyhow

Ohh btw when.i.was completely shutdown after that first.long stint.. The.doc said.forgetabouy having.kids.. I.had a kid about a year after that a little.girl.. And.now.i have another.one.on.the way.. Dont listen.to.doctors work on.ur own.body.. The body does.more then what were told...unlock it.. Live.n.learn

So should the guy that crashes into a tree downhill skiing and loses both testicles try to see if his body can overcome that? Should a diabetic who's pancreas stops working try to see if his body can overcome that? Should the guy whose pituitary stops work just see if his body can overcome that too? How about a heart attack? Just let the body re-route some arteries itself?

So at age 54 don't do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But age 55 is magically OK?
So should the guy that crashes into a tree downhill skiing and loses both testicles try to see if his body can overcome that? Should a diabetic who's pancreas stops working try to see if his body can overcome that? Should the guy whose pituitary stops work just see if his body can overcome that too? How about a heart attack? Just let the body re-route some arteries itself?

So at age 54 don't do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But age 55 is magically OK?

Oooooh I feel a heated debate in the near future lol

I honestly agree with both of you to an extent...
Good points on both sides! Lol
Personally i do not believe in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) before the age of 55.. I dont care wtf studies say or anyone says.. But the human body learns to adapt and overcome.. Ones body does more then ppl anticipate.. If ur body gets shit down run a few pcts thats it.. Dont take credit away from the human body.. I ran a 1.5 year cycle yes i abused heavy none stop high test.. Ran deca and tren together.. Tren i ran for like 8months.. Deca ran for 5 months.. And just went ape shit... Kept throwing in random shit bcz at the time i was dumb and wanted to grow.. Didnt even run a pct.. I was about 22.. Started that cycle when i was 20.. Yeah my body was shot.. Afterwards i was tired.. Sleepy.. Headaches migrains.. And no libido.. Absolutely could not get a hard dick.. Even with the sex pills from the gas stations nthn!! But took 5 months with no pcts n bammm my body naturally recovered without nthn.. I had docs telling.me.ill be on.trt for life and need to tell my girlfriend.make.heraware...i.told him.ill.come back...manned up n.figured it.the hell out.. Guess what i ran.lots more cycles after that.. With proper pcts.. Im.on another 1.5 year cycle now.will.end nov of next year but this.tkme.will.keep.cycling.hcg in and wont fail to use proper pct at the.end.. But then.again.im.looking.for a pro card anyhow

Ohh btw when.i.was completely shutdown after that first.long stint.. The.doc said.forgetabouy having.kids.. I.had a kid about a year after that a little.girl.. And.now.i have another.one.on.the way.. Dont listen.to.doctors work on.ur own.body.. The body does.more then what were told...unlock it.. Live.n.learn

I respect your input but without blood labs to show what you recovered to after 1 year after your 1.5 yr cycle...recovery means little.
Living with 265 ng/dl T.T. is the worst feeling...No stamina, Low Sex drive, Soft Dick, irritable like hell, no drive...
Technically I felt recovered to after I stopped testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and was clean for 15 months...but was I really recovered or bullshitting myself ????
Doc was bullshitting me too...
All to fit into his Wellbutrin protocol he had ready for me.
so should the guy that crashes into a tree downhill skiing and loses both testicles try to see if his body can overcome that? Should a diabetic who's pancreas stops working try to see if his body can overcome that? Should the guy whose pituitary stops work just see if his body can overcome that too? How about a heart attack? Just let the body re-route some arteries itself?

So at age 54 don't do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But age 55 is magically ok?

If you leave your Natty T alone it will recover....trust me...it will!!!
I let myself recover and what a great job I did...
3 months after stopping TRT...I was at 288 ng/dl....6 months...the same.....9 months the same.....a year later 265 ng/dl T.T.....another 2 months later 273 ng/dl...
Was making quite the progress too....
All these levels while being on ADEX E3D and with LH at 4 IU/L FSH at 2 IU/L....
Maybe I should have left me levels there for another year and run some wellbutrin too....
it might have helped them repair.:rolleyes:
The longer you take exogenous test, the more difficult it can be to recover your natural test production when you come off. This is one of the reasons that most guys only run cycles for 12-16 weeks.

Is this the rule even for regular testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - cycle for 12-16 weeks on an then take a break? Or are you referring to those that are using for other reasons than low T?

I'm new to this whole thing and there is so much info, much of it conflicting, and I'm just trying to wrap my brain around the whole thing as best I can.

Thanks Megatron!