1.5yrs on cycle - lab results inside.

Is this the rule even for regular testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - cycle for 12-16 weeks on an then take a break? Or are you referring to those that are using for other reasons than low T?

I'm new to this whole thing and there is so much info, much of it conflicting, and I'm just trying to wrap my brain around the whole thing as best I can.

Thanks Megatron!

TRT is a life long commitment, Megatron was refering to those that do a ASS cycle for 12-16 weeks, they then run a PCT to recover and get their natty production restarted.
TRT is a life long commitment, Megatron was refering to those that do a ASS cycle for 12-16 weeks, they then run a PCT to recover and get their natty production restarted.

If you are already hypogonadal, there is no point in trying to pause your TRT to allow you natural production to return. You would go back to being hypogonadal at best.

Different story though it you have healthy and normal testosterone levels. You want to keep that going.
If you are already hypogonadal, there is no point in trying to pause your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to allow you natural production to return. You would go back to being hypogonadal at best.

Different story though it you have healthy and normal testosterone levels. You want to keep that going.

My levels vary from mid 200s to low 400s. Definitely the low end of normal and I have some of the typical symptoms......I'd prefer to not have to make the life-long commitment but I'd also like to feel better.
My levels vary from mid 200s to low 400s. Definitely the low end of normal and I have some of the typical symptoms......I'd prefer to not have to make the life-long commitment but I'd also like to feel better.

You need some consistent baseline T level tests to get a better picture. Go around 8 AM after a restful nights sleep...
get blood drawn. Go back after 2 months and do it again. After 2 months go again if you can.
I have a year + of baseline T levels as well as other important figures to get my view of things.
Get a sleep study done. If you have sleep apnea...this will cause symptoms of low T and keep you from getting restful nights sleep.
How old are you?
If you can manage...low 400's is not end of the world. It's not average but better than being in the mid 200's.
Get exercise, eat healthy fats, zinc, vit E, see what it does for you.
No doubt exercise (combo of cardio and weights) made me cope better with lower T levels.
Being in the Mid to high 200's and not being physically active at all made the symptoms worse.
Even going into the gym and doing half the weight I could do when I was younger and healthier gave me a feeling of achievement.
Energy/Strength levels were not optimum...but I took plenty supplements to keep some form of progress going.
You're numbers look surprisingly good. Your LH and FSH may be on the lower side because your pituitary senses that your body had enough testosterone at the time of the lab test. I would just retest again in a few months and see how your numbers look. Hopefully they continue to improve.

I hope you don't plan on running anymore 1.5year cycles in the future. You might not be so lucky.

Honestly I probably won't ever run another cycle again. I'd rather not push my luck. I have been able to hold on to a decent size after coming off. If I do another cycle it will be 10 - 12 weeks max.

How do you feel after coming off after so long?

I feel pretty good I guess. Not like superman anymore but good. Libido is still good and strength isnt too bad.

What's your age?
It's cause you did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while you were on...that's what saved you. I didn't use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 2.5 yrs.
Your HCT is high...
you need a therapeutic phlebotomy prescription. Blood centres will turn you away.
Wait....why do I need phlebotomy? My RBC and Hematocrit are within the normal range now. Were you looking at my labs from 3 months ago?

How much did you run per week ?

I ran between 500 and 800 a week of test. Threw in some orals and deca occasionally.
Personally i do not believe in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) before the age of 55.. I dont care wtf studies say or anyone says.. But the human body learns to adapt and overcome.. Ones body does more then ppl anticipate.. If ur body gets shit down run a few pcts thats it.. Dont take credit away from the human body.. I ran a 1.5 year cycle yes i abused heavy none stop high test.. Ran deca and tren together.. Tren i ran for like 8months.. Deca ran for 5 months.. And just went ape shit... Kept throwing in random shit bcz at the time i was dumb and wanted to grow.. Didnt even run a pct.. I was about 22.. Started that cycle when i was 20.. Yeah my body was shot.. Afterwards i was tired.. Sleepy.. Headaches migrains.. And no libido.. Absolutely could not get a hard dick.. Even with the sex pills from the gas stations nthn!! But took 5 months with no pcts n bammm my body naturally recovered without nthn.. I had docs telling.me.ill be on.trt for life and need to tell my girlfriend.make.heraware...i.told him.ill.come back...manned up n.figured it.the hell out.. Guess what i ran.lots more cycles after that.. With proper pcts.. Im.on another 1.5 year cycle now.will.end nov of next year but this.tkme.will.keep.cycling.hcg in and wont fail to use proper pct at the.end.. But then.again.im.looking.for a pro card anyhow

Ohh btw when.i.was completely shutdown after that first.long stint.. The.doc said.forgetabouy having.kids.. I.had a kid about a year after that a little.girl.. And.now.i have another.one.on.the way.. Dont listen.to.doctors work on.ur own.body.. The body does.more then what were told...unlock it.. Live.n.learn

I just recently found out that I have an enlarged heart. I'm not sure if its from the AAS abuse, stimulant abuse, or from both of them combined. Have you ever had your heart checked out bro? Be careful!

When I found out I had an enlarged heart it scared the shit out of me to be honest. I'm in my late twenties and way too young for stuff like that to be happening. thats another reason why I don't plan on going back on again. Well....unless I need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) down the road.
Also couple more things I should mention before I forget. I think I might have sleep apnea. I wake up multiple times during the night and toss and turn. I can't remember the last time I got a full nigts sleep without waking up at least once. This could contribute to my natural test being 505. I might be able to get it higher if I can get my sleep problems fixed. I usually get 8-9hrs sleep but since I wake up so many times during the night its probably like getting 5 or 6 hrs.

The other thing I would like to mention is that I get anxiety randomly now. Never used to before...i'm guessing its from the heavy cycle or something. Also, I can't take any stimulants anymore without feeling like i'm all cracked out. Even 2 cups of coffee in a row is too much for me to handle. It makes me feel horrible! Very strange since I used to take a ton of caffeine and pre-workouts without much issue.

Getting more bloodwork in another month or two. I'll make sure to post it up for anyone interested.