1 Gram Sustanon, 1 MG Arimidex EOD


New member
Weight: 215

Hi I was on 600 MG Sustanon, 300 MG Deca every week with 1 50 MG Anadrol every day. No Arimidex.

My last Blood Work from 3 days ago...

Testosterone 4100 DL.........348-1197
Estradiol 69.3 ML ............ 7.6-42.6

Red blood was little high but I am beginning to donate with the process phlebotomy

I want to stop the anadrol and deca and just raise Sustanon to 1 GRAM per week with 1 MG Arimidex EOD to finish off this "blast" cycle.

At the end of cycle I will lower dose back down to 250 MG of Sustanon and cruise on that

What do you guys think of 1 GRAM Sustanon per week?