1 inch needle in quads 20% bodyfat.. Did I get to muscle?


New member
So I have a very painless first quad injection.. This was a TRT dose and i'm on a cut right now.. I usually inject into glutes however I wanted to give quads a try.

I PINCHED my quad and stuck the 1 inch needle all the way in and slowly injected.. Left in for about 10 seconds pulled out and some blood trickled out but no gushing at all.

I'm worried that because I pinched my quad I just grabbed a bunch of fat and injected into fat.. I viewed a video that said this was the correct way to do it so I did.. Now I think I pinned straight fat.. Remember i'm about 20% BF and I used a 1 inch.. What do you guys think??

Even if I did pin fat I shouldn't have wasted anything right??
You're good to go mate, perhaps just nicked a vein... no dramas and nothing lost.

Although this is the 2nd thread I've seen you set up - all dedicated to one injection... something tells me you're just a kid playing at this.

This would depend on how you squeezed, if you grabbed muscle at the same time.....

I would not be too concerned about it, if you did in fact get some of your compounds within the sub q tissue there would just be a slower absorption process.. Did you notice any stinging or burning after injection? That would be a key indicator that you were with in the sub q tissue and there is slight seepage.....

1 inch for injections this rather standard protocol, you would really need to be a very large individual that would require a 1.5...

I wouldn't waste any time putting too much thought into this...
You're good to go mate, perhaps just nicked a vein... no dramas and nothing lost.

Although this is the 2nd thread I've seen you set up - all dedicated to one injection... something tells me you're just a kid playing at this.


I'm not i'm just new to quads.. Just making sure I got nothing to worry about is all! But now i'm feeling pretty sore a few hours after injection so I imagine I hit some muscle at least.. And no.. no stinging or anything after injection.. Just some stinging pulling the needle out. Nothing bad though.
Believe it or not injecting into the quad can be nerve racking for a lot of people, its very awkward and naturally people are going to possess some anxiety prior to administering...

If you notice that you're more sore and tender within the muscle, and there's no redness or stinging or welts in or around the epidermis then chances are you had a successful injection, and any post injection pain you're feeling is mostly due to virgin muscle...
I love injecting the quads.. The first few times, I did that pinch. Now I just find a good spot & slowly push the 1.5" needle all the way in... When I was buying my needles, I could't find any 1", so I opted for the 1.5's.. No issues though. It's definitely getting deep into the muscle!! Lol.
Why pinch your skin? Most guys don't have much fat on our legs. Because of the androgens we use, we carry weight in our upper bodies and even in viseral fat around our organs. A 1" needle should work. Thats all I ever use and my bf% is seldom over 10-12%. Most of the time I'm at 8%. I never cared for 1 1/2 " needles. Shoot delts and quads and you should be gtg using 1" needles. Glutes may require 1 1/2 " at 15% bf though. You pinch skin for sub q.