1 month into cut progress

bout to start a 10 week cutting cycle. Will update with pics every 2 weeks or so.

curent diet on lifting day
1 1/2 cup oats 2 scoops whey 2 tbl peanut butter
2 7oz chicen 14 almonds
3 8 oz 93/7 ground beef
4 3 whole eggs and 5 additional whites
5 post workout 1.5 organic quinoa 7 oz chicken
6 2 cans tuna 14 almonds

brings macros to 330-340 protein 100-110 carbs 70-80 fat 2500-2600 cals. cardio steady state 30 mins 6 days a week after lift. imput on diet encouraged alwayes debating wither to keep carbs up and lower fat or vice versa. meso/endo bodytype.