1 month into cycle, give your opinions fellas!


New member
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and decided to join one related to steroids because I started my journey in this world.
I'm 3 weeks (this is the 4th) into Testosterone 6ml/wk Deca 3ml/wk Dbol 5pills/day cycle.
I have gathered few pics from the day I stated until today, wanted to know your honest opinions (about the cycle gains itself, not the overall physique).
Going for 12 weeks cycle.
Thanks for responding!
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What is the "mg/ml" on your test and deca. as in how much mg is in 1ml of deca or test. for example, most test is 200mg/ml- 250mg/ml. but it could be 100mg/ml. same goes for the deca.

if its standard amounts then WAY too much gear, specially for a first cycle. i use 2-4ml a week of test and i been doing this for years. and only around 2ml for the deca. *at 250mg/ml ranges

also do you have aPCT planned? are you using an AI to control estrogen?

ohh and welcome!
What is the "mg/ml" on your test and deca. as in how much mg is in 1ml of deca or test. for example, most test is 200mg/ml- 250mg/ml. but it could be 100mg/ml. same goes for the deca.

if its standard amounts then WAY too much gear, specially for a first cycle. i use 2-4ml a week of test and i been doing this for years. and only around 2ml for the deca. *at 250mg/ml ranges

also do you have aPCT planned? are you using an AI to control estrogen?

ohh and welcome!

My English isn't my first language so I didn't really understand the mg/ml thing.
I just take a syringe and fill it with 2ml Test and 1ml Deca 3 times a week.

And I forgot to mention that I take Arimidex eod.
Also I am sticked to a guru that is really well known in our country, he's like one of the most respected bodybuilders here, so I'm basically not worried about anything.
And yeah ofcourse, PCT is planned.