1-test ?


New member
what's up with all this sites out there claiming their 1-test caps are like 500% more anabolic than testosterone and zero conversion to estrogens??? sounds too good to be true.
it is - companies make that claim - its true, but it doesnt mean anything.

1-test isnt nearly as anabolic as test in real application - its nearly as androgenic though, in real application.
so i would see some results? not even close to the real thing but i would....and the claim that it causes no bloat, no gyno, no water retention is all bs then? it just cought my attention that i could have some anabolic effect with zero sides
1-test is pretty much useless orally - it needs to be used transdermally or injected. it is the real thing - it is a steroid - 5 alpha reduced EQ to be exact. it wont cause bloat or gyno - but it can shut you down pretty hard, and cause some libido problems. you wont notice much mass from it - its not that anabolic - but it is pretty androgenic, so you can expect some hardness and strength gains.