1 TU vs. T100 vs. 1AD effects maybe or not.

Mad Dawg

New member
It took me awhile to concider using products such as these after hearing mixed reveiws of side effects i have heard good and bad some say the stuff is not worth the money and others swear by the gains they have made i guess the million dollar question is who do you really concider listening to. So i decided to just blow off all the feed back on the use of such products and try a cycle my self to see the real deal. I beleive anything taken as directed and not abused will give proper results. And trying to remember that every human body will respond diffrently. Proper food consumtion while using these products and great workouts with large amounts of water should help . Again if not abused and cycled properly and used as short term gains it should be safe i beleive this is the key. Iam not asking for a agree or disagree iam just stating what i beleive is true. If you wish to respond on this new thread no problem. Oh by the way i decided to try 1-TU. Tear. It. Up. Mad Dawg!!:40oz:
My theory is if someone is considering these products it is because normal lifting and eating is falling short gains wise from where they want to be. That being said...why not just hit the juice?

A. you know it works.
B. It is cheaper than that over the counter garbage.
Hit the juice thats ok to MP 5

No problem with the reason to juice but some guys know it illegal and they know it works but reality is most do not want to get busted for the use so they try some of the supps on the market were its so far still leagal by FDA, and they are getting some reasults with some of the better known supps and are also some what satisfied with what they see. Iam not saying ones better over the other i guess its all about the risk, as in the risk eitheir way weather its side effects or illeagal roids. The choice is all yours know matter what we choice to use. Tear. It. up. Mad Dawg!:40oz:
I hear you on the legality, but having tried all the latest and greatest supplements out there, I can tell you other than creatine nothing worked like juice. Thing that sucks about juice is I feel the gains are never permanent over time like the gains you make naturally.
1 more Quick question MP5 no problem with roids being the cadiliac of choice but is there any half way legal Mustangs that will come close other than creatine? I guess what really pisses me off is why in the hell is there such a market for prohormones and why are all of use hard working people aloud to open are wallets to such a so called scam. In reallity the real illeagle bullshit is coming from the companys that sell to use. If SOME OF these supps are garbage then whats more illeagle selling supps to us that really dont work or using roids illeagally. Shit just dont add up. If the FDA cant make money on it then to them its illeagle. Bottom line is i think i know who should really go to jail and it aint the users. P.S. at least were not eating double whoppers at burger king ever fricken day and weighing in at 400lbs. And yes this is just my opion iam not trying to piss anyone off. Can the shit that dont work and sell what does. Again not all supps are trash.
I even sprung for HMB back in the day, got nothing from it. I can get a bottle of test for $35 and you know it works and the sides are the same as andro. I can honestly say I have tried a lot of the garbage out there. HMB, Hot Stuff, Mega Mass, Vanadyl, Tribulis, Andro, and the only thing other than creatine that worked was dbol and test!