1 Week to start my cycle and i am nervous


New member
Hi guys i am 30 yrs old 170 cm 74 kg been training 2 years and i have lost 25 kg with clean eating and training . my current body fat is 19 and i am going on teste ena and winstrol cycle . 12 weeks test ena 500 mg a week 250 and 250 momday and thursday and last 5 weeks winstrol . i will use eod 1 mg of arimidex and my pct is clomid and nolvadek and 500 mg eod pregnil 5000 mg. My macros will be 40/40/20 pro carb fat my question is i will so 5x5 strenght training 3 times a week and i am also wondering if i can do any other body parts the next days .. So 6 times a week training but 3 times a week alomg with strength . amd advice will be appreciated.
Hi guys i am 30 yrs old 170 cm 74 kg been training 2 years and i have lost 25 kg with clean eating and training . my current body fat is 19 and i am going on teste ena and winstrol cycle . 12 weeks test ena 500 mg a week 250 and 250 momday and thursday and last 5 weeks winstrol . i will use eod 1 mg of arimidex and my pct is clomid and nolvadek and 500 mg eod pregnil 5000 mg. My macros will be 40/40/20 pro carb fat my question is i will so 5x5 strenght training 3 times a week and i am also wondering if i can do any other body parts the next days .. So 6 times a week training but 3 times a week alomg with strength . amd advice will be appreciated.

Ok so lets slow it down a little. 12 weeks is a long time to eat the volume you need to "eat to grow" 8 weeks is a better first cycle. I would plan to go 8 weeks and then if you are feeling like you can keep gaining extent to 12. Do not extend past 12. I want you to focus on your diet plan. IT's 80% diet is a low number. Your diet is what will make of break your success. Before your start make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Make sure you have your diet plan , your Post cycle therapy ******** and your plan. ( never start without the ability to recover) dial in your training. make sure your program is solid and you re pushing your limits. make sure you are supplementing vitamins and amino acids. it always better to take the time to make sure you get the best out of your only first cycle. make sure you do blood work before you start so you know where you need to be when your done. if you need help on your diet contact 3jdiet

I think you should wait a while tweak your diet and training. when your body is in tune and ready you will know it and you won't be nervous.

Also that too much arimidex. You could permanently shut down your estrogen and you will be crippled.
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What stood out to me was 1mg adex eod.
Seems super high, i think its closer to 1mg / week for 500mg cyp.
Pregnyl is hcg, right ? I also dont understand the 500mg /5000mg, is that 500iu out of the 5000iu ampule ? Anyhow you dont really want that for pct, instead you want to take it during your cycle along with your cyp shots.

Have you read the beginner sticky? Has solid information and even offers a beginner cycle plan for you :)
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Welcome!! Yes what the gentleman said above, and hcg for sure during your cycle vs pct.
I'm being 100% Honest here.
If your current Body Fat is @ 19%, that's just Too High to Start any AAS Cycle.

The Higher your Body Fat, the Higher your Estrogen is.
Then you add in Test which Converts to Estrogen, and you have the Makings of a Nightmare on your hands.
You will Bloat-up, your Estro will Spike, your Blood Pressure will also Spike.
And you have an Increased Chance for Gyno.

I wouldn't even Consider starting any Cycle, let alone my 1st Cycle.
Unless my Body Fat was No Higher than 12% or 13%............................ JP
One other Note:
The Higher your Body Fat is, the More Strain on your Heart/Liver/and Kidneys.
So get it down before you start, and your Body will Thank You.

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Steroids are Not Fat Burners ~ they just Increase Protein Synthesis !
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Winstrol would be a no go also. That is used for contest prep for someone who is.well under 10% body fat.

Use this time to dial in your diet and drop the body fat. Learn what a proper first cycle consists of.
You definitely are not ready yet.
Winstrol would be a no go also. That is used for contest prep for someone who is.well under 10% body fat.

Use this time to dial in your diet and drop the body fat. Learn what a proper first cycle consists of.
You definitely are not ready yet.

Agreed; I've used winny once and it was going right into my competition. If you're over 10% it would be waste IMO
Okey guys thank u so much for being honest . I really appriciate it as I said i will pay attention to my diet 100 percent and also my training . as well . i will eat clean arrenge my macros and take protein bcaa and cla and also glutamin vitamin D and zma . i will lover my bf to 15 percent or 12 percent then do the cycle my pct will be 5000 iu HCG 500 iu eod till its finished. My test ena will be 250 mg twice a week and about atimidex shall i start with .50 eod and then go to 1 mg eod or wait and see how i feel and when it comes to my training shall I do 5x5 as I said with 20 min hiit 3 times a week . and also add other training as extra none 5x5 days small muscle gropus.
I have said 500 mg test ena 250 mg twice a week . and my hcg will be 500 iu eod . and i will do arimidex during cycle .50 sweet spot to start with .
Thank you so much for all your nive advice . I am so happy now to see and believe that out there there are people who still helps newbies. I will lose my bf and do my 1st cycle . i eill go down to 13 or 12 bf then do my cycle safely . yes safety is first and i will make it happen thank u all so much . what can i use to help me burn more fat by the way. ?
Your cycle plan is still all jacked up bud. You don't have an idea when to use what you have.

Thank you so much for all your nive advice . I am so happy now to see and believe that out there there are people who still helps newbies. I will lose my bf and do my 1st cycle . i eill go down to 13 or 12 bf then do my cycle safely . yes safety is first and i will make it happen thank u all so much . what can i use to help me burn more fat by the way. ?

Diet diet diet. Make sure you got diet nailed down before you start as it will be paramount once you start cycle.
Also listen to tbone and read the beginner sticky :)
You still have no idea what you're doing, reading the sticky will build you a foundation of knowledge to stand on.
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Diet down then start over. Read the first cycle sticky. Trouble finding it? Look at Miltons link above.
You're way high on the arimidex. You're gonna crash bro. Less is more right now. Keep some of that estrogen it'll help your strength.
Good luck bro
I am starting my cylce in june . i go everything i need during my cycle and also for pct . am doing fasted cardio in the mornings to lower my bf and also doing hiit sessions evening times at the gym with tabata circuit training with body weight and ketbell my bf went down to 17 now from 22 so in june i believe i will be ready for my cycle.
I am starting my cylce in june . i go everything i need during my cycle and also for pct . am doing fasted cardio in the mornings to lower my bf and also doing hiit sessions evening times at the gym with tabata circuit training with body weight and ketbell my bf went down to 17 now from 22 so in june i believe i will be ready for my cycle.

good to see thanks for the update!
I am starting my cylce in june . i go everything i need during my cycle and also for pct . am doing fasted cardio in the mornings to lower my bf and also doing hiit sessions evening times at the gym with tabata circuit training with body weight and ketbell my bf went down to 17 now from 22 so in june i believe i will be ready for my cycle.

what does your pct plan look like?