
How tall are you and where are the pics of your wheels and back.

Very ripped but can't tell how complete your physique is
fitness shoot

i'm 6'

i was thinking if i should post those pics or not . i've never done anything on stage or so . this my first experience being photographed .nothing like that was planned . we've taken couple hundred pics and i needed to look dry . most pics were ment to be taken in clothing and stuff like that . those pics here were just something on the side for myself . i could not controll this photoshoot . i even got lucky that this guy wanted me as a model for his stuff . but i'm looking forward to may be go on stage . i'll make sure that i'll have more poses included in the next shoot . my back is pretty good but my legs ........i'm very happy . i've had deep cuts in them that day .....well sorry ...but i still like the outcome

Good deal then. You have a very solid look. Keep busting your ass and you should do well with whatever you decide to do (modeling, competing).

Only thing which i'm sure you already know that if you compete your going to need to add another 20 - 25 solid lb at your height.
whats the diet like? Have you always been a low BF% or are you naturally cut with your genetics?
Hey bleachcola I was thinking the same thing, dude your shredded but you have to be the gayest looking BBer Ive ever seen. Wow, extra gay.
I am really impressed with your bicep.

You're very cut, but 184 lbs. at 6' wont be enough. You need to be 200 lbs at least because you kind of have a thin look to ya. You look good, but you've cut up too soon. I take it you aren't juicing?

I agree with the nipple ring posts, gotta have a huge chest to have nipple rings ... and only the barbells look decent.
damn i just cant get over that clay aiken comment lol. bro you have an excellent physique. i hope that youre not obsessed with being shredded because if you want to bodybuild you will need to bulk up. xcellent job though and good luck.