10 week Test E Cycle, possibly D-Bol


New member
Hey people

Quick background info..
27 years old, 6ft 2 inch in height, body fat around 10%, currently weigh 202lbs.
Have been training for 5 years in the gym and playing to a good level of rugby.

Here's a list of what I have to use;
Test e

This is what I was thinking for my first cycle.

Weeks 1 - 10 Test e 500mg per week
Arimidex .5mg EOD

Weeks 12 - 14 Clomid & Nolvadex

I also have d-bol. I really want to put on a lot of weight and bulk as I have a very tall and lean physique hence the thought of adding in the d-bol at 20mg every day from weeks 1 - 4.

Any thought guys, I would greatly appreciate it!

Looks good to me. I would start the adex at .25eod and increase if needed. You may not need .5. Clomid do 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 for post cycle therapy (pct). If you do the dbol go with 30mg a day wks 1-4 split throughout the day.
Thanks for the reply buddy.
Can I ask why run the clomid so hight at 50mg each day for 4 weeks...That seems quite a lot?
I'll certainly try the Arimidex at .25 EOD to start with and see how I go, just a little worried about trying to quarter the pill!!

If I include the dbol with test what would you expect weight gains to be?
Considering Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for my nuts but don't really know much about it or where to get it!! :-(
I would extend the cycle a few more weeks to the 12-14 weeks range. Yes Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the duration of cycle is a good idea. You can also blast 10 days at the en of cycle stopping 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). through cycle run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500 iu/week split in two doses, pin it when you pin the test. Blast @ 500-1000iu/day. You will greatly appreciate running the long ester test longer. At 10 weeks you will be making substantial gains an would hate like hell to come off that early especially since most don't see any significant differences with the long water Test for roughly 6 weeks. It takes time to build muscle even if on gear, do yourself the favor and run it a tad longer. The dbol will make you retain some water. Most gains from dbol is due to water retention but this will lead to significant strength gains. Definitely keep an eye on liver values as dbol is hath on the liver and monitor your blood pressure. 4 weeks of dbol if not taking ridiculous doses shouldn't affect eithe of these much if any but better to be safe then sorry. All of people don't like dbol Bruno love the compound. On it right now and strength is trough the roof and pumps are intense! Diet is key, eat big and watch sodium intake which will cause bloat and more importantly it will raise your blood pressure. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply buddy.
Can I ask why run the clomid so hight at 50mg each day for 4 weeks...That seems quite a lot?
I'll certainly try the Arimidex at .25 EOD to start with and see how I go, just a little worried about trying to quarter the pill!!

If I include the dbol with test what would you expect weight gains to be?
Considering Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for my nuts but don't really know much about it or where to get it!! :-(

You could do 25mg for the clomid, this would probably suffice but 50mg a day is standard around here. Get a pill cutter for the adex. I know its hard to quarter such tiny ass pill's but I've done it with 1mg adex and 1mg caber tabs. Use tweezers to line the pill up on the pill cutter. Dbol would give you a little extra boost while the test is kicking in. 30mg a day is a good dose for first time use. Many will say test only for the first cycle which is good advice, but I did run 30mg dbol wks 1-4 on my first cycle and I did fine. Just make sure your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is good. BTW, I also responded to your PM.
Josh, I've been getting your PM's but I'm not allowed to send them yet myself. Not enough posts or something I suppose. Everything looks good so far, quick warning with the DBol from personal experience, I started getting some sensitive nips on them and ended up dropping them at week three, the sensitivity never went away completely so make sure you adjust your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) accordingly, and keep enough on hand in case of this issue. Also, make sure you have EXTRA nolva in case you need to run some on cycle to keep gyno away.

One day I will be able to respond to your messages as well... haha