Elite Juicer
Like I said, your Hematocrit is probably way jacked up. Considering you were on TRT for a year then did this blast, (BTW are you comming off or back to TRT after this blast), and all the points in bold in your post below point to high RBC count.
To some it up, and I think I mentioned this before, high HCT means thicker blood, the higher it goes the thicker/more viscous it becomes making it harder for your heart to pump blood around putting stress on it (and IMO the reason why heart enlargement occurs, lots of AAS combined with the heart working overtime, it is a muscle after all, means growth). It also increases the risk of blood clotting. It also puts the kidneys and liver under stress.
Red/flushed looking skin is also a sign of jacked up RBC.
And you can expect to be very vascular with a high RBC.
In all honestly, you've had you blood drawn already so go donate or get a phlebotomy, ASAP, not after the bloods, get it ASAP. It's obvious your RBC is super jacked, so get the fuck on it ASAP.
IMO, it's the increase in RBC that is the silent killer when it comes to AAS. It's on par with controlling e2 levels if not more important.
To some it up, and I think I mentioned this before, high HCT means thicker blood, the higher it goes the thicker/more viscous it becomes making it harder for your heart to pump blood around putting stress on it (and IMO the reason why heart enlargement occurs, lots of AAS combined with the heart working overtime, it is a muscle after all, means growth). It also increases the risk of blood clotting. It also puts the kidneys and liver under stress.
Red/flushed looking skin is also a sign of jacked up RBC.
And you can expect to be very vascular with a high RBC.
In all honestly, you've had you blood drawn already so go donate or get a phlebotomy, ASAP, not after the bloods, get it ASAP. It's obvious your RBC is super jacked, so get the fuck on it ASAP.
IMO, it's the increase in RBC that is the silent killer when it comes to AAS. It's on par with controlling e2 levels if not more important.
The last couple nights at 2am I wake up feeling like I'm in the middle of a leg workout or squats to failure (u know the feeling).. That's not right while sleeping.
Also, my skin has turned all red like I got a sunburn.. Chest pains can't breath.. Off to the doc!
Blood pressure was 220/100 resting pulse was 120.. They did an EKG. Turned out ok.. Waiting on blood lab results.. Doctor thinks I'm doing more gear then my heart can handle..
My rbc is prob going too be too high, right?
Or I'm holding a ton of water (which I doubt... I've done my ai at ..5 AI eod since day one.. And I'm pretty vascular and lean at 184 lbs)
Still waiting on labs.. But too much gear for my heart too keep up with? What u think?
Maybe "less is more" idk. (I was always a skinny cardio guy)