10 weeks into cycle - sleeping, breathing, problems

Like I said, your Hematocrit is probably way jacked up. Considering you were on TRT for a year then did this blast, (BTW are you comming off or back to TRT after this blast), and all the points in bold in your post below point to high RBC count.

To some it up, and I think I mentioned this before, high HCT means thicker blood, the higher it goes the thicker/more viscous it becomes making it harder for your heart to pump blood around putting stress on it (and IMO the reason why heart enlargement occurs, lots of AAS combined with the heart working overtime, it is a muscle after all, means growth). It also increases the risk of blood clotting. It also puts the kidneys and liver under stress.

Red/flushed looking skin is also a sign of jacked up RBC.

And you can expect to be very vascular with a high RBC.

In all honestly, you've had you blood drawn already so go donate or get a phlebotomy, ASAP, not after the bloods, get it ASAP. It's obvious your RBC is super jacked, so get the fuck on it ASAP.

IMO, it's the increase in RBC that is the silent killer when it comes to AAS. It's on par with controlling e2 levels if not more important.

The last couple nights at 2am I wake up feeling like I'm in the middle of a leg workout or squats to failure (u know the feeling).. That's not right while sleeping.
Also, my skin has turned all red like I got a sunburn.. Chest pains can't breath.. Off to the doc!

Blood pressure was 220/100 resting pulse was 120.. They did an EKG. Turned out ok.. Waiting on blood lab results.. Doctor thinks I'm doing more gear then my heart can handle..
My rbc is prob going too be too high, right?
Or I'm holding a ton of water (which I doubt... I've done my ai at ..5 AI eod since day one.. And I'm pretty vascular and lean at 184 lbs)

Still waiting on labs.. But too much gear for my heart too keep up with? What u think?
Maybe "less is more" idk. (I was always a skinny cardio guy)
Thanks Staunched.. yeah I thought it was obvious too. Tried to go donate blood two days ago and they wouldn't let me (recent tattoo work).. then I tried to order a phlebotomy kit to just do it at home, but they would not ship it cause I don't have a nursing license.. then I looked into just draining out myself with a syringe into a 1 liter soda bottle,, but found out to drain out that much you need a vacuum,, a regular 19 g needle with no vacutainer is just going to clog and stop draining.

Need to figure out something because this is prob going to be an issue with all my future cycles too I'd imagine.. figuring out a way to do it myself would be best.
10 weeks into a 14 week cycle
600 mg test cyp (jump started cycle with 75 mg test prop eod for three weeks)
500 mg deca

feeling good.. 20 lbs gained, strength is up, appetite and energy are good, etc..

but last couple weeks I can't sleep.. I wake up 10 times a night and can't breath well, and I feel claustrophobic, as well as my heart rate is pretty high (resting rate is 97).

I was pro active with my blood pressure this whole cycle and took BP sups.. so blood pressure is not too bad 140/80

Any thoughts? this is mainly at night while trying to sleep
Any one else have similar issues at night on this type of cycle?

I've got a bunch of HGH sitting around.. thought I might start taking that at 4 iu a day, heard it helps you sleep

are you an an AI? I would rec to be if not.

also maybe drop deca to 300mg ew
Once i get this under control.. Any advice on coming off this cycle or altering?

Maybe drop the deca and lower the test to 200 mg a week.. Then add something lighter at a small dose like primo or winny for 6 weeks (something to help me keep gaining)

Anyone know which AAS raises RBC the least
Once i get this under control.. Any advice on coming off this cycle or altering?

Maybe drop the deca and lower the test to 200 mg a week.. Then add something lighter at a small dose like primo or winny for 6 weeks (something to help me keep gaining)

Anyone know which AAS raises RBC the least

winny is harsh on the blood i would avoid it. but lowering the doses a bit sounds good since you are having issues.
He cant.

Go get a phlebotomy.

Checked around.. can't just go get a phlebotomy,, I need a doctors order. Hopefully my doc will get the blood results back soon and get the order so I can.

Maybe there are 'alternative' health clinics out there for therapeutic phlebotomy based on personal choice.. but I don't know of any in my area.

Its a pain in the ass not being able to just go donate blood
Yeah, I had to get a "therapeutic phlebotomy" yesterday to start my new TRT. Cost me $60 because they said insurance wouldn't pay for it. I probably should have checked, but since I don't go to my primary care physician for TRT I said screw it and paid it. Anyway, when I looked at the labwork my hematocrit was just 50.3%.

50% is the cutoff so I was just .3% over.

So, lesson learned. Get down and donate every couple months and avoid this problem in the future.
Yeah, I had to get a "therapeutic phlebotomy" yesterday to start my new TRT. Cost me $60 because they said insurance wouldn't pay for it. I probably should have checked, but since I don't go to my primary care physician for TRT I said screw it and paid it. Anyway, when I looked at the labwork my hematocrit was just 50.3%.

50% is the cutoff so I was just .3% over.

So, lesson learned. Get down and donate every couple months and avoid this problem in the future.

So you just walked in and paid and were able to do the phlebotomy without a doctors order?
I've done it its not too hard. I used a 19gauge needle and found that to be quite slow. Use a bigger bore if you can.. It doesn't hurt like an IM injection, the only pakn here is breaking the skin. After that no worries.
Remove the plunger beforehand and attach the needle to the syringe minus plunger. Have a 400-500ml measured cup ready sit and wait for it to fill.
Always good to have someone else in the room if your prone to feinting.

I wanted to faint just reading his idea lol
Doesn't the blood clinic/services usually check donated blood, anyhow?

Meaning if you are not eligible to donate for x reasons...if there really was a problem in the blood they would find it with their screening process?

(In which case you could lie on the form and still donate... just to get it out of you)

I'm speaking theoretically -- if they do their own diligence on the blood collected before passing it off to someone.

Good luck man. Sounds horrible.
Doesn't the blood clinic/services usually check donated blood, anyhow?

Meaning if you are not eligible to donate for x reasons...if there really was a problem in the blood they would find it with their screening process?

(In which case you could lie on the form and still donate... just to get it out of you)

It's not about the blood (though may not be right to donate AAS blood.. thats an individual self conscience decision of right or wrong).. its the fact I have visible tattoos on both arms that they would draw from (and I get new tattoo work done every two weeks.. working on sleeves).. I went to go donate blood and they would not let me cause of the tattoos (its the open 'needle' thing with the tattoos that are the issue for them)

So..guys. remember that if your thinking of getting a visible tattoo.. you won't be able to donate blood for at least 12 months afterwards.
Checked around.. can't just go get a phlebotomy,, I need a doctors order. Hopefully my doc will get the blood results back soon and get the order so I can.

Maybe there are 'alternative' health clinics out there for therapeutic phlebotomy based on personal choice.. but I don't know of any in my area.

Its a pain in the ass not being able to just go donate blood

I know man, but a phlebotomy (your doc will have to precribe it with RBC above range) or self-phlebotomy done with a kit and someone who knows what the deal is to watch for you incase you pass out.
The Doc called.. said all my blood test results are in normal range except for testosterone was <1700 , no high RBC.. So not sure why the cardiac issues high blood pressure and bad sides.

my thoughts-- 10 out of the last 13 months I spent recovering from spine injury and surgery.. spent a lot of it bed ridden and on pain meds.. when I eventually healed up, I went right back to lifting and got on a cycle.. gained 20 lbs in 10 weeks.. Maybe I just 'shocked' my system too much, going from a sedative state to running gear and high intensity work outs.
Should have said define normal to me and taken the values down, better yet get him to send you a copy.

All things point to jacked up RBC and it makes logical sense so someone is lieing or something is not adding up, or you could just have some horrible cardio conditioning and slapped on all that muscle quickly like you said.

I just find it super hard to believe you are experiencing those sypmtoms after being on for long yet your Hematocrit is "normal". My original family doctor considered high 300s to be a "normal" for 19 and my symptoms were just depression.
I told him to fax it to me.. I'll check and report the results

you could just have some horrible cardio conditioning and slapped on all that muscle quickly like you said.

Before I took up weights a couple years ago I was a cardio only guy,, runner and cyclist. I can run a 20 min 5k.. my cardio conditioning was always top notch-- but I could never put on weight cause of all the cardio.. I weighed 147.. gave up cardio, took up weight training and shot up to 185

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So you just walked in and paid and were able to do the phlebotomy without a doctors order?

No, the TRT doc made me do it to get the testosterone. They want you below 48% (I think guidelines are more like 52% to receive test injections), so I'm sure its just another moneymaker for the clinic.
My hematocrit is at 51.5

Update: so last Thursday had to go to doc with cardiac issues.. BP was 220/100.. EKG test was fine..
I was thinking it was going to be super high rbc,, but no. BP has been avg about 160/100
I've not taken any of my deca and high test injections in a week..5 days ago I started taking a diuretic just for grins, and cutting salt and eating less food (but clean)..
My BP was 125/75 this morning and feeling way better..

Damn,, did holding too much water cause all those problems?
My hematocrit is at 51.5

Update: so last Thursday had to go to doc with cardiac issues.. BP was 220/100.. EKG test was fine..
I was thinking it was going to be super high rbc,, but no. BP has been avg about 160/100
I've not taken any of my deca and high test injections in a week..5 days ago I started taking a diuretic just for grins, and cutting salt and eating less food (but clean)..
My BP was 125/75 this morning and feeling way better..

Damn,, did holding too much water cause all those problems?

I would say there's a damn good chance of it.