10 weeks into cycle - sleeping, breathing, problems

On the blood donate part of this thread: First, is it a good idea if you are on cycle? Second, my doctor has ordered blood work pre-cycle, 6 weeks in, 12 weeks in and 6 weeks after ( so far). They take a shit load of blood each time, ( 5 little tubes.. I think ) would that not be enough blood?
On the water retention part: Good to know, because I have been experiencing a little bit of this myself, thanks for talking about it.
I do self phlebotomy when i cycle and honestly it was like pinning for the first time, after that- no big deal. I use 16 ga needle attached to a plungerless syringe. It takes about 10-15 min to drain out 2-3 cups. Never had an issue. Not blood squeamish either
I do self phlebotomy when i cycle and honestly it was like pinning for the first time, after that- no big deal. I use 16 ga needle attached to a plungerless syringe. It takes about 10-15 min to drain out 2-3 cups. Never had an issue. Not blood squeamish either

Agreed. I did this again just last week, 16gauge works far better for sure.