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Im 10 weeks out from my first comp.weighting at 245lbs.I guess i need to lose at least 22lbs.From this 10 weeks im going to do about 4-5 hours cardio/week in total.I workout in high volume and sometimes 3times/week twice/day split routines.I need help on carb cycling.My protein will be around 450-500g/day.Fats: 2 tbs olive oil and 3tbs pennaut butter.The other fats from foods like chicken breast...but in total they go like 100g.So i plan on carb-cycling like this:3days carb cycle.Day1=270-300g carbs.Day 2=200g carbs.Day 3=100-120g carbs.Carbs include veggies like broccoli,tomatoes,cucumber and some blackberries,except parboiled rice,oats and some potatoes.What do you thing about carb cycling.For fat loss except roids im using clen 2weeks on 2 off and t3 last 6 weeks.View attachment 545303View attachment 545304View attachment 545305View attachment 545306View attachment 545307