10 weeks out diet!!!Need some help...


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Im 10 weeks out from my first comp.weighting at 245lbs.I guess i need to lose at least 22lbs.From this 10 weeks im going to do about 4-5 hours cardio/week in total.I workout in high volume and sometimes 3times/week twice/day split routines.I need help on carb cycling.My protein will be around 450-500g/day.Fats: 2 tbs olive oil and 3tbs pennaut butter.The other fats from foods like chicken breast...but in total they go like 100g.So i plan on carb-cycling like this:3days carb cycle.Day1=270-300g carbs.Day 2=200g carbs.Day 3=100-120g carbs.Carbs include veggies like broccoli,tomatoes,cucumber and some blackberries,except parboiled rice,oats and some potatoes.What do you thing about carb cycling.For fat loss except roids im using clen 2weeks on 2 off and t3 last 6 weeks.View attachment 545303View attachment 545304View attachment 545305View attachment 545306View attachment 545307
Carb cycling in the off season is great, there is a good book called "Better than steroids" by Dr. Warren Willey which is a great read for BBs. You are already looking pretty good for 10 wks out, I would advise keep slowly reducing carbs so that you don't lose too much muscle mass since you are already low carb I presume. But if you are going to carb cycle, you have a pretty good plan, maybe dip slightly below 100g on the last day and when you get back to day one go a little tougher on your cardio, limit your cardio on day 3 since you are already low on carbs.

How's your sodium intake? you look like you are still holding a decent amount of water in your back and legs as opposed to fat.

Bottom line is that you still have plenty of time until your show, so keep it slow and fight like hell to hang on to that hard earned muscle!
Carb cycling in the off season is great, there is a good book called "Better than steroids" by Dr. Warren Willey which is a great read for BBs. You are already looking pretty good for 10 wks out, I would advise keep slowly reducing carbs so that you don't lose too much muscle mass since you are already low carb I presume. But if you are going to carb cycle, you have a pretty good plan, maybe dip slightly below 100g on the last day and when you get back to day one go a little tougher on your cardio, limit your cardio on day 3 since you are already low on carbs.

How's your sodium intake? you look like you are still holding a decent amount of water in your back and legs as opposed to fat.

Bottom line is that you still have plenty of time until your show, so keep it slow and fight like hell to hang on to that hard earned muscle!

i don't take sodium at all except the natural sodium which is on foods.Can't take that out...LOL.Yeah i tend to keep alot of water...especially on my stomach...it sucks.ok thnx 4 the advice.Hope ill be ready in 10 weeks
Fuck! I hate seeing your posts. Because then I see your legs. Then I see mine. Then I want YOURS! You look like you're ready to step on stage tomorrow!