10 Years of AAS use - coming off and considering TRT


New member
Hi all,

I have been browsing this forum as a guest for a while once and have seen some really good discussions and thus thought I would sign up.

I will try and give you an overview of my History and my intentions without writing an essay.

I will greatly welcome opinions and suggestions from the experienced members.

10 Year History of AAS Use

I started bodybuilding at the age of 18 and trained naturally until the age of 24. I then started to take AAS and ran several courses over 3-4 years using the time on/time off principal with a basic 3 week PCT each time. I would usually run in the range of 500-750mg test and around 400-600mg of EQ or deca. I never really got more adventurous then that.

Attempt at HPTA recovery

at about the age of 28 I decided I wanted to come of and have a go at restarting my HPTA. after an extended PCT this failed miserably and I lost huge amounts of lean body mass, gained quite a bit of fat and suffered all the psychological issues associated with low test/estrogen imbalance etc etc.

Thus I then started to cycle again, except i followed the blast/cruise method. Again 500-750mg test for 12 weeks dropping down to 250mg between cycles. Thus effectively I guess i was always 'ON'.

This brought me to the age of 33 where I got it in my head that my HPTA was never going to full recover and thus I would have to continue with blast/cruise with a view to going on TRT.

Experiments with self prescribed TRT

Over the last few Months I have researched and gone with the following self prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol

Tue - 150iu HCG
wed - 150iu HCG
Thur - 200mg Test Cyp
E3D - 0.5mg Arimidex

The problem I have is that I can never quite get it right. I keep falling through the sweet spot and believe I may be tanking my E2 with the armidex. I have also tried aromasin and changing the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) doseage as well as bi weekly cyp injections. At the end of the day I am trying to second guess my Estradiol and I guess it really is not working.

I can handle the muscle and condition loss now, i accept that.

Why I cannot handle is the mood swings, depression, anxiety, lethargy, sleep and libido problems! This is causing problems with my career and my relationships.

Visit to GP

Thus my goal that I just want to feel normal again or as normal as possible and get a better quality of life with terms of mood. I'd rather be skinnier and happy!

Today I visited my GP and came clean and went through my AAS history and experimentation with TRT.

He asked when my last shot of cyp was and i told him it was last sunday. He has booked me in for blood work on the 7th February and told me to go cold turkey on all meds.

Will the 7th of feb be enough for the cypionate to clear?

I was also running anavar at 50mg ED which I have Today stopped. This was for condition for an upcoming holiday.

The doc has put a referral in for me to see an endo which i guess will be shortly after the blood work comes back.

I hate the cold Turkey idea and am worried that I am in for a Month of hell. Plus any time that will elapse whilst the endo's are assessing me etc. I have no idea if they will want to try a reboot of my HPTA or if they will put me straight on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or how long any of this will take.

Thus I guess I could be looking at 2 Months or longer of cold Turkey? This concerns me greatly.

I guess it is a no brainer that I must not have any MEDS at all before my blood work on the 7th feb?

Is it worth running a 3 week PCT for that blood work?

Anybody had a similar history as me? did you go for an HPTA reboot or straight on TRT?

Any advice, suggestions and experiences appreciated :)
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Blast with HCG for 3 months until your nuts come back....if they don't....then you are stuck on TRT
Blast with HCG for 3 months until your nuts come back....if they don't....then you are stuck on TRT

i run mine all the time with trt,but i just started it a couple of months ago,ive been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 5 years and was having some sexual problems and the hcg has fixed it,i run 250iu twice a week

And yes your test cyp will be long gone before Feb 7th and so will the Anavar (var) no worries
Agree the Test will be well clear by then. I would not do any pct to be honest. I'm saying if you really want to know what your body is doing. You may make the problem worse by running the post cycle therapy (pct). I'm talking about as far as the tests go. You need to know exactly where you are before you can even consider. What even needs treated as well as the best way to aproach treatments!
am interested in hearing how u go with your endo appointment mate as i am in a similar boat! have been clean for almost 12 months with the exception of a few post cycle therapy (pct) cycles to try to nudge things along, i also have an appoint with the endo in a little over a month to get more bloods and examinations done which should hopefully lead me to a conclusion; all clear or permanent Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) :-/