12 weeks on Test C, Tren A, Mast P

Angry Swoles

New member
Hey everyone! I'd like to log my cycle on here not only for friendly suggestions and advice, but also for my own personal records.


Years Training: 10. First 4 was sports related. Last 6 have been tailored to the primary goal of Aesthetics. I tore my ACL 2 years ago during PCT and was out of the gym for a while, lost ALOT all my gains and then some.

Height: 6'4
Current Weight: 205
Estimated BF: 12%
# of cycles: 5
1st: 20 yrs old. ACL Tren Xtreme before the ban. Didn't know anything. Gained 17 lbs lol. Kept half. MaxMuscle guy sold me with a Tribulus PCT.
2nd: 22 yrs old 500mg Test E 12 weeks, Dbol 30mg 4 weeks, aromasin 12.5ed, Nolva/Clomid
3rd: 23 yrs Test P, NPP, Dbol. Prami/aromasin. Nolva/Clomid
4th: 25 yrs Test E, Tren E Prami/aromasin on cycle. Nolva/clomid
5th: 27 yrs Test P, Tren A, Dbol. HCG. Aromasin/Caber. Nolva/Clomid.

Goal here is to keep 10lbs and get down to 8% and maintain that till Fall.

I love Dbol. I love how I feel on it, the pump, the gains, the versatility of it if I want to bulk or cut. It's my favorite compound overall besides Test.
Problem is I am gyno sensative. I used Adex before and either it was bunk or I just didn't respond well and got gyno at 1MG ED. Had to self medicate with Letro.
Since then, I have always used Aromasin with solid results.

**I take 15mg - 30mg of IR adderall 4-5 days a week. I have never taken AAS and adderall together. On Tren, the highest I have ever seen my blood pressure climb is 147/90. Usually I sit at 120/60.
One of the main side effects of adderall for is it curbs my appetite and it is a vasoconstrictor. I get cold hands and feet. I am curious to see if these sides are trumped by the AAS and test in my system and how they will both interact positively and negatively.

Daily Macros:

300g Protein
350g Carbs
80g Fat

This will be my first time using Mast.... Unfortunately I don't have much Tren and Mast. My source has been compromised as well.
Here's what I have:

10g Test C: 300mg/ml
2.5g Mast P:100mg/ml
2.5g Tren A: 100mg/ml


50mg ED Mast
50mg ED Tren
3oomg Test C E4D

That equals:

350mg/week Tren and Mast (50 days)
525/week Test (84 days)

I'm doing it this way for 3 main reasons

1. ED pins of Tren and Mast (especially Tren) is the best approach to keeping blood levels stable.
2. I have never been able to run Tren longer than 8 weeks the sides get too much for me. Prami makes me nauseous. Night Sweats. Insomnia. Only done Tren during the hot summers so that makes it even worse.
3. I am pinning Tren and Mast with 30 gauge 1ml slims in my legs and shoulders. Backloading them. Test I shoot with a 25g in my ass. E4D pins of test will cut down on scar tissue and its Test C.

On cycle:

All the vitamins, fish oils etc that I normally take. N2G.

Aromasin 15mg ED
Caber .5mg E3D until Tren is gone


Start 2 weeks after last Test pin

Aromasin 10mg ED for 2 weeks
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Still waiting on some research chems to arrive and I will begin logging. Open to any and all suggestions I hope everyone enjoys following my log!
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