well there could be a lot of variables depending on what you looking to do, where your at now, etc. as for just a base guideline for bulking without knowing anything about you, you could start at like 20-25 calories p/lb and split it into 40/40/20 (pro,carb,fat), then increase calories by 500 each day as needed. that is a very basic way to eat and bulk clean, just be sure you eat the right things. personally when i bulk i don't count calories or anything else for that matter i just eat, eat, eat, i make sure i get at least 3g carbs, 1.5g protein p/lb but that's it and that's the bare minimum. i know for a fact i get way over that but again i don't keep track when bulking! as for not being able to eat a lot throughout the day, use shakes or RTD gainers, you could also keep simple things with you that don't take a lot of preparing like peanut butter, cashews, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, packs of tuna, etc. keeping a little cooler with you with those things makes it much easier! just remember to eat all day long and as long as your eating the right things you will be good! hope this helps and good luck!