14 week Test/Deca/ and superdrol kickstart :)

Mighty mullet

New member
Hey guys, running my second cycle and i thought i would keep you updated on my progress!


6'0 205lbs 9% bf (just came off a contest, so still fairly lean)
5 years lifting experience

Currently coming off contest prep, with a damaged metabolism, so hoping the gear helps that out!
Macros will be to start:
250g protein 250g Carbs 75g Fats

The Gear:

Gonna run it like this:

Mdrol: weeks 1-4 30mg ED
Test E: 600mg weeks 1-15
Deca: 400 mg weeks 1-15
Adex: EOD .5mg
Cycle support,multi, and fish oil throught.

PCT: Clomid, nolva: weeks 18-22
Forma stanzol on cycle and throught PCT

Will attach before pics after the gym today! Getting my gear in the next couple days i am excited so lets do it :blue:
you will want to extend the test portion out two weeks to allow the test and deca to flush at a closer time, you cant start PCT 2 weeks after stopping deca, its still suppressing you .
you will want to extend the test portion out two weeks to allow the test and deca to flush at a closer time, you cant start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after stopping deca, its still suppressing you .

So you're saying run test 1-16 and deca 1-14? Or just keep test in longer than the deca?
Well guess what! I got my test and injected for the first time today! Wasn't bad at all, just a little sore now. I am runnning Sustanon 325 2x a week, for a total of 650 mg test a week. New update. I'm probably not running deca, and going to be throwing in super drol towards the end of the cycle. For now i am eating around matenience and going to be cutting a little. I have bloated too much from my contest weight and feel fat :gives:lol. But pretty average workout. Excited, but also not excited to start being strict about my diet. Hiit 3x a week and my macros will be at 60g fat 270 carbs 225 protein for now! I have T3 and clen ready, but don't want to use the T3 untill i know the test has kicked in to protect my muscle. And I like clen but hate the shakes. Let me know what you guys think!
Need your Guys' input!!! I have about 7 ish lbs of bodyfat to lose untill i have my 6 pack back. Do you think i should wait with the superdrol, or run it now and cut later in the cycle?
Day 4 on the superdrol,Already much stronger. REpped 110's for 5 reps on dumbell incline. (full ROM). Gotta love the strength gains. Should be getting a legit scale soon so i can update you guys with my weight every morning.

My 2nd injection was an odd one. Once the pin was in my quad I started to push, and i just got really nautious all of a sudden. My vison started to go, i was dizzy, and felt sick to my stomach. I was freaking out!!! It got alot better when i walked down the stairs, ate some crackers, then sat down. Pinned the rest later.
Feeling good and eating good! Optimistic for this cycle!
Back from a marriage conference and a weekend of over eating. Up 7 pounds and noticablely fat in the face.. Hopefully will go down soon. For now i'm going to slowly start adding back in cardio and keep my calories around matenience and see what I can do with this cycle!