16 years old....natural my bawls

Those are definatly some huge guns. I just wondering how many cycles he has under his belt or where he gets his cycle/traning info from. Wouldn't suprise me one bit if he's just on year round
rougen i dont think the kid came off a cycle two yrs straight. i also think he's going to break the record for having the biggest gh gut by age 25. he kissed his height goodbye, he's jacked on juice, and the worst part...high doses with atleast long durations of gh.
Wow! He is proportioned about the same as I was at my peek at 34 6'1 250. It's to bad he's stunted his growth. He's only 5'5'' -5'6''. That's a shame. It's clear he's done the work. This is why kids have no business using Steroids.
primo anavar... i've some kids in the past with same results or bigger. one time they turn 18 they not able to grow anymore, aswell with cycle, nothing to do... and currently none of them still stay big as they were.

each thing by time.

the world champion wabba from france in 1998 had same story... and kevin levrone too...

4 years after stopped he looks like never made any sport it is.
i dont even wanna think about the permanent testicular atrophy and low sperm count this idiot is gonna have for the rest of his life..

what else can i think of
kidney failure?

dumb kids with dumb ideas..

there's a proper way to do things..
If you watch another video, hes 127lbs at 14 and 195 at 15. This kid is screwed he started cycling at 14y/o you can see it. Hes probably been on juice year round and my guess is hes in a country where its legal maybe. someone has to be coaching him on his gear and diet, who knows maybe a family member.
If you watch another video, hes 127lbs at 14 and 195 at 15. This kid is screwed he started cycling at 14y/o you can see it. Hes probably been on juice year round and my guess is hes in a country where its legal maybe. someone has to be coaching him on his gear and diet, who knows maybe a family member.

That's such a shame. Well, he asked for it. Idiot