18 week cutting cycle with NPP help!


New member
ok so I just finished my 16 week blast of just testosterone at 500mg/mL (my "sweet spot") and going to cruise for 8 weeks before I start my next blast leading up to my show. During my cruise I'm running test at 150/wk with nolva@20mg/day, aromasin (Pfizer) @12.5 EOD and hcg for a few weeks @1000units a day. My cut though I'm wanting opinions on. Only compound I haven't used of the following is NPP.

Starting 18 weeks out.
18-2 wks out Test-e @500mg/wk
16-8 wks out NPP @500mg/wk
8-show day tren-a @400 mg/wk (anxiety at 600 or higher)
6 -show day Mast@800mg/wk
Last 4 weeks inj. Winny @50mg/day
Last 2 weeks Halotestin @30mg/day
Aromasin throughout at same as above
Nolva last 6 weeks slowly increasing from 20mg/day to 60mg/day
Insulin 4iu pre and post

I'm 5'10 230 lbs about 10%bf according to a dexascan. Any advice, adjustments things I should be looking for as far as sides or results is welcome I'm more curious as to what NPP can do on a cycle like this
Well started this so far with no response I guess we will see what happens currently my split looks like this
M/Th: quads/chest/tris
Tu/F: hams/back/bis
W/Sa: glutes/traps/shoulders/calves/abs
Cardio 3 days a week of Fasted HIIT

Diet is:
275 protein
360 carbs
35 fat

All meals are 45 protein and fat found in protein source with 21 carbs. Exception, pre workout is 50 carbs, intra is 100 carbs, post is 70 carbs, post #2 is 40 carbs.

I have lost 4 lbs in 4 weeks however, from the time I had my dexa done and now my stomach, quad and tricep folds have come down almost half of what they were before except in my abs. I fucking love NPP! I'm noticing more vascularity, and thicker veins. 14 more weeks until show day!