18 week pre comp cycle...feedback plz


New member
Hi Bros,

I've got a comp later on in the year. Its a national and my first at this level. I have planned the 18 weeks leading up to the comp and thought i'd get some feedback :

week 1-14 Sustanon (sust) 500mg e/w
week 1-14 test e 400mg e/w
week 1-18 EQ 600mg ew
week 1-4 slin 10iu p/wo
week 12-18 tren ace 150mg eod
week 1-18 HGH 4iu ed
week 15-18 test prop 200mg eod

The GH i'm still not sure on. It's damn expensive where i'm from, and i'm still not too convinced that i need it 100%. I'm still talking to my much more experienced friends on the GH side of things. I'd love some opinions on the necessity of it.

The reason for the 2 tests is just that thats what i had on hand. The EQ i originally planned for 900mg pw, but later dropped it.

Oh i have some masteron too, but i just thought it would be overkill.

My stats are 5'8" 205lb @ 9%. have been doing juice and training for a long time.

So there it is, what do you think?