18 year old, need help reaching my goals.


New member
This is going to be lot's to write, basically i'm 18 year's old, been training for about a year and half.. not really knowing 100% what i'm doing, i'm not interested in taking steroid's, but I saw this in a banner on a different website I use so i thought I'd join, so not sure if I even belong here (i see people being quite rude to other's on here) but, i realized people who take steroid's are probably more dedicated/know more about bodybuilding than most of the other's on other websites.. so I want to know the quickest/best way to obtain my goal's, or whether or not they are even attainable, if they aren't i just want to be flat out told if it's not possible without steroid's, i'm not willing to take them anyways, i start school soon and everything, but I also don't want to be like "oh I can look like that one day with hard work". if it's actually impossible, I have no idea how far you can get without them, etc.

I'm not interested in taking steroid's, but when i post what I want to do with my body on the bodybuilding forum, people just troll and laugh/make fun of me.. everyone over there is a dick.

I started training close to the time Greg Plitt died, (not sure if anyone know's him/about him).. but he's video's motivated me because I alway's disliked how my body looked compared to other's.

That's him if anyone was curious!

Once again I don't want to take steroid's, but i'm more so curious if guy's like this, (also Zyzz) but i read some thread's about him, and everyone seem's to hate him, I don't like Zyzz, I'm not one of those kid's, but i want a body similar to his, Jeff Seid's, and other's like that.. once again, don't hate, I hate how douchey those guy's are but i just like their physiques in general, and I don't know anyone else you guy's might know so yeah, or Steve Cook, you guy's might think is less douchey.

Right now I'm 5'10, 169 pound's, but I'm not sure if i should gain weight or lose, no idea my body fat, I was never fat when I started but I haven't gained that much, in a year and a half i gained maybe 15-20 pound's, I didn't get much bigger though, I think diet might be my bad point, i asked some of the big guy's at the gym for help and they said focus on my diet, I never had a diet, if i do eat/when I do eat, i only eat protein, i try to have 0 carb's, or close, so if I'm hungry I'll only eat like pure protein, chicken/greek yogourt/cottage cheese, thing's that are low carb's to none.

That being said, these are some photos of the people I want to look like, once again I don't want to take steroids, I'm just curious as to if they are on, or not. the first three are people with the body how i want to look, the other's are me right now, also, sorry if you guy's don't take this seriously, because most people who take steroid's most likely want to get better and compete on my olympia etc, I just thought you guy's would know more about every aspect of fitness than most, so i thought i'd join, if I'm not welcome here just say something, once again, not sure if this website is just steroid base, or about everything.. i'm quite happy how far I came right now, i use to eat really bad and haven't had chips or junk food in over 6 months now, in the second photo it's the guy on the left.
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So you state that you don't want to do steroids (that's totally fine), but also want to know how to achieve your goals quickly.

You then post several names (images weren't there, but I know who you're referring to) and state that you admire their physiques and want to resemble these guys.

Diet (what you eat on a consistent basis IS your diet) is indeed the biggest part of everything when it comes to the human body. Lowering carbs is more of a fat-loss tactic based on going into ketosis, and is great for those with insulin sensitivity issues. However, if you're trying to put on size, you would benefit from the cheap source of calories that carbohydrates provide.

You have a couple options here. You can hire a professional nutritionist (there is one here by the name 3j), or you can spend the next couple months learning EVERYTHING about diet. You'll learn that while macros are important to understand, the retards on instagram are just parroting one another, and OH BUY MY PROTEIN POWDER!! while having no idea WTF they're talking about.

With diet mastered and training nailed down, you can put on some size if your heart is in it. You have to have the drive and determination to really push yourself and it's not always easy to do so. I've seen some good sized natty guys, but I'm afraid that none on your list can claim that status. Plitt status might be achievable, but it will be very difficult to maintain his body fat percentage year round.

You're totally at the right age to just go nuts in the gym and grow like a weed. Your hormone levels are likely rock solid (all the young kids wanting to justify going on AAS look at their testosterone, but neglect to realize it's HGH that's making things to easy to grow in the teenage years) and if you have access to a gym with good equipment, you're already half way there. ;)

My .02c :)
You are quite welcome here.

Supermodels are airbrushed before their pictures are published. Fitness models are all on juice and prep for photo shoots (most aren't walking around daily in that condition).

The media portrays a naturally unattainable ideal look so they can sell makeup and supplements; and now everybody has body image issues.

You can look better than 99% of the earths population by training naturally.

You need to eat, eat,eat that includes carbs. Start eating rice, oatmeal or sweet potatos with every meal except the last meal before bed.

Go to the diet section and read up.
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Its all smoke and mirrors sad to say. This reminds me of when i first heard that those before and after pics of weight loss programs where actually reversed so the models where actually in shape and paid to get out of shape and fat to sell their weight loss pills. Noawadays theres photoshop so no need for that anymore.