18 years old taking Sustanon (sust) 250 cycle need advice on stopping


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18 years old taking sust 250 cycle need advice on stopping

Hey everyone I need some help. I'm 18 and started a sustanon 250 cycle. I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to continue due to the risks for my age. I have taken two injections of 1cc each. Can I stop now without using a pct without harming my natural test, or is it already in my system suppressing my test. More feedback is definitely appreciated !
If you only too two injections then you'll most likely be fine. You can take a PCT for like a week if you was be more safe, but I wouldn't stress about it.
So do you think I should not just continue the cycle do to my age ? And will my natural test be fine without the pct after these two injects
so you kinda shot yourself in the leg using Sustanon (sust) as the compound...

the initial use of sustanon was for hrt... the idea was to get one injection a month and have your test levels cruse...

sustanon has one of the longest acting esters.. it will take 18-20 days for it to clear up enough for you to even start doing a pct... so yes, you are going to need a pct.. youre going to need to run clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks 20 days after your last injection
sust is a hard one in this situation.

What dose were your two injections?

I would absolutely 100% stop taking the Sustanon (sust), immediately start looking for PCT (clomid, nolvadex).

I believe you will likely recover without a post cycle therapy (pct), however, there is no guarantee, and it will be a much easier recovery with some PCT.

Ideally you'd want to run a full PCT:

50mg/day of clomid for 4 weeks and 25mg/day of nolvadex would be an ideal PCT in this case, in my opinion.

But, either one or anything is going to be better than no PCT.
I was just tryin to not spend the money if it wasn't Necessary. Do you think I'll be ok with no post cycle therapy (pct), I only did two injections of 1cc each. If anything do you think just taking a test booster instead of a pct would help ?
I was just tryin to not spend the money if it wasn't Necessary. Do you think I'll be ok with no post cycle therapy (pct), I only did two injections of 1cc each. If anything do you think just taking a test booster instead of a pct would help ?

It depends - what price do you put on owning a pair of nuts that work well for the rest of your life??
No comparison in my eyes!
I was just tryin to not spend the money if it wasn't Necessary. Do you think I'll be ok with no post cycle therapy (pct), I only did two injections of 1cc each. If anything do you think just taking a test booster instead of a pct would help ?

Are you serious bro?
Get to the doctor for an emergency treatment or better yet...buy some clomid/Nolva and get this stuff running in your system ASAP!
You wanna wind up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 18 for the rest of your life?
You teenagers have given this stuff a bad name. Misusing this and then Endo's treat patients like shit when they really need it cause of all the bad hype.
Get your head on straight!!!
18 years old and doing Testosterone ??
No excuse!

The only thing I want to hear from you here on out is you never touch this stuff again
So do you think I should not just continue the cycle do to my age ? And will my natural test be fine without the pct after these two injects

NO DO NOT continue!

you are not finished development till about age 24-25 for males! forget height and growth plates, I am talking internal development!
you can screw yourself up for life at this stage. wait till age 24+

just stop now, dont take anything else, no pct after two shots IMO