19 Y.O Need advice on first cycle


New member
Hey Guys/Girls
Im 19 and have been seriously lifting and eating for about 2.5 years, and I am thinking about doing my first cycle. My initial plan was to run test-e about 400mg a week along with a small amount of dbol and to eat around 3300-3800 calories a day and lifting 5-6 days a week. Naturally I am bulking at 3k calories a day and make great gains. Ive been told by a number of lifters/friends (whom I respect) that I have good genetics, I dont know really how to determine this but that is one of the reasons why I am considering this cycle.
Age 19
Arms 17" Calves 17.8
183 Pounds 9-10% BF
My top lifts are...Both are preformed with 100% perfect form
Raw Bench 230x8
Leg Press 650x20
I AM FINE WITH HONEST ADVICE ITS WHAT I WANT, Please don't be a dick just to be a dick though...
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Good genetics, good form and you look good son. Ur hard as stone...and probably horney as a rabbit. Do not ruin these natural attributes u possess. I did...and I was a wreck for a long time...mentally and emotionally.

However what s the hurry ? U said yourself u r making gains.

Do not use...........yet.

The dark side beckons Luke but resist it s draw as there s dark shit. When u pray for rain u may get stuck in the mud---trt.
Thanks for the response, what point would you recommend starting to use? The star wars reference though...deep shit haha but seriously why were you a wreck after jucing? Trying to get as much info as possible before I make any decisions.
Best Regards.
You need to do more reading as to Steroids and the young. There are many articles that will explain what happens if you don't wait until your endocrine system has matured. Read all of the stickys as you came in to the forum.

Stick around and some of the Vets will chime in. You don't need gear until your own natty test has reached its limit s to what you can produce. You are at your best right now and you will not gain anything more that your body can handle by itself at this time in your life.

You re going to shut your Natty down only to induce exogenous Test that will be no better than what you are producing naturally now.
Read the ology faq's thread and mrrippzilla has a thread on using gear at a young age. You seriously can cause way more harm in the long run then good...
Augmenting hormones when it s not necessary is NOT beer and weed. They make us who we are in every way. IF ur still living this life..wait till ur a couple yr s older..preferably like 23-25.

No...nothing personal but I ll not air my life out to you yet as I ll help u when it s time but if u read, stick around and have specific q s I ll share then...

Like lifting, educating takes effort and if ur seriously gonna do this in due time...you ll have some specific q s for me.

Thanks for the input, I did some more research and people seem to think that 21-25 Is the recommended age to start. I decided not to start a cycle until then, I tend to put on muscle fast so the temptation to cycle is still strong but Id rather not fuck up my hormones....I appreciate the responses.
Thanks for the input, I did some more research and people seem to think that 21-25 Is the recommended age to start. I decided not to start a cycle until then, I tend to put on muscle fast so the temptation to cycle is still strong but Id rather not fuck up my hormones....I appreciate the responses.

Good man! Your doing better then guys on gear so stick with it! Gear will be there for ya in a few years. It's gotta be a good feeling to know what you can do without gear...
Bruh. You already look like you're on gear. You're making gains naturally like that? AND you still have a few good years where your natty test will do nothing but still be on the rise.... Imagine when you DO get on the gear a few years from now and make gains ON TOP of those incredible natty gains... Yea you should wait.... You're gonna be a monster... Wait no you ALREADY ARE... You got to monster status naturally... Wait a few more years and then top it off with gear later on.... Sheeeeeet
If you get / or have a correct diet dialed in and I suggest you check into that as well as your drive and dedication to mas building workouts you will be amazed as to what you can and will do with your physique.

Hang in there man...gear will be there ya know. Stay with us and up date your photos with us. Good luck