19 year old, Theoretical 4 peptide cycle outline


Eager to learn
Hey guys, I'd like to thank you in advanced for reading and possibly assisting me with my research. I've worked and read alot, and here is a custom peptide cycle that I designed for myself in order to further assist with Lipolysis and lean muscle yield (body recomp)

Stats: I'm 19 years old 6'1" 207lbs at 10% bodyfat, from a starting point of 222.6lbs at around 13-14% bodyfat. I would like to eventually compete in Men's Physique and later possibly venture into the sport of bodybuilding. I've been lifting and dieting seriously for 4 years. I do plan on potentially using steroids further down the road but have decided to wait until I am 22 years old in order to even consider using anabolic steroids (preferably 23-25).

Please critique my 4 peptide cycle in regards to length and dosages, also the timing of shots as well. I do not expect much from these peptides at all, but am rather doing this as a first injectible cycle to train myself to get used to intramuscular injections and to prime myself for further growth before using anabolics. Thank you again for your time.

DOSAGE: 40mcg
PROTOCOL: 2 shots (20mcg each) directly Post-Workout every 3rd day
(20mg bi laterally intramuscularly) followed by Protein Shake consisting of 48g Whey and 50g Carb from Dextrose (Gatorade) to avoid hypoglycemia and maximize anabolic response. This will be followed by a meal no more than 1.5 hours later, which will supply an additional 100g carbs.
EXPECTED RESULT: Increased muscle growth, Decrease in Bodyfat, Increased nutrient shuttling capacity, possibly longer lasting muscle pump, fuller muscles, muscle cell hyperplasia (I know it can take 6months to see this benefit in full), Regeneration of nerve tissue.
SIDE EFFECTS: Many remain unknown due to relatively new nature of the peptide. Hypoglycemia due to nutrient shuttling which will be attempted to be combatted through aforementioned meal planning. Possible expedited growth of pre-existing cancer. (I understand this is very serious, although have decided I am willing to take the risk. As of recent screenings, I am cancer free.)

DOSAGE: 200mcg
PROTOCOL: 2 shots (100mcg each) directly post workout on specified days. (100mg bi laterally intramuscularly). Will be followed by same protocol as above.
EXPECTED RESULT: Site Enhancement; Increased muscle growth of the treated area, Increased muscle fullness and expedited recovery of the treated area,
The ability to cause muscle cell hyperplasia of the treated area, Causes immature muscle cell nuclei to turn into fully functioning muscle fibers
SIDE EFFECTS: Many remain unknown. I fully take responsibility for any potential risks that this may bring down the line.

NAME: CJC-1293 aka CJC-1295(No DAC) aka modified GRF(1-29) no DAC
LENGTH: wk1-12
DOSAGE: 300mcg daily (100mcg in 3 shots)
PROTOCOL: Morning, Pre-Workout, Right before bed (always no carbs 40minutes after injection)
EXPECTED RESULT: To increase natural pulse of GH, work synergistically with
GHRP-6, possibly aid in lipolysis as well as lean muscle yield and recovery/ body recomp.

LENGTH: Wk1-12
DOSAGE: 300mcg daily (100mcg in 3 shots)
PROTOCOL: This will be taken up in the same pin as the CJC-1293 and injected at the same time (3x daily) They will be Always taken on an empty stomach, and I will avoid any form of carb for 40 minutes after injection.
REASONING: GHRP-6 over ipamorilin because price and I’d like more hunger for bulking, chose GHRP-6 over GHRP-2 Because Least amount of sides in respect to prolactin, cortisol and aldosterone
I can't speak to the first two peptides, but your GHRH and GHRP's look fine. However, at 19 I'm not sure you would get much "benefit" from it since your natural HGH levels are probably fairly high already. You may have to just try it to see.
I appreciate the thoughtful response, thank you.

I read that the younger you are, the better your body responds to MGF. I also read that younger age equates to a larger release of GH from GHRH AND GHRP's.

I assumed that logically this would mean that I would be an excellent candidate for IGF, since my cells would be primed for growth and replication.

(thanks again, toshiro!!)

Bump, anyone else have some thoughts?
Might be true about larger release when younger but I never knew anyone at your age to try it. I do know from experience that when you go past 30 for GHRH/GHRP you get more "benefit" and same when you go past 40, etc. Mostly because you do not produce as much. (not really growing much like you do when your teens - maybe 25).
What makes you so interested in peptides over something like pro hormones

Apples and oranges man. Peptides are amino acids that help with certain functions (growth hormone release as an example) and coaxes the body to make more of its own. Pro-hormones are new versions of anabolic steroids that typically come in pill form and can have in some cases worse side effects that standard anabolic. My advice is run from pro-hormone crap!