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Back then we had no idea of what.
ai s were
PCT ? WTH ? We never came off.

A gram of this a gram of that w 50-150 mg a day of orals with MASSIVE caloric intake, massive lifts ( I d back out with 405, wrap up , belt so tight it left marks and do 12...deadlift 405 x 12 and bench 225 x 25...

Eating on the toilet, waking at night to suck down 2 more chicken breasts or two can s tuna and 1, 2 3 baked potatoes...2 a day s every other day...go to the lake and do pull up s with straps and a gf..someone s hanging on wrapped around your waiste...stack 4 plates and have..a gf...someone s gf..sit on the plate stack..sit on the leg press machine..get a key and train at 230 a m as ephedrine were available en masse ANYWHERE...

Granted I m a puss now...everything hurts...got a kid 1300 miles away and have a f k n job.

We were broke all money going for food, gear, food and food.

Clothes going to class and cash for gf s were 2nd, 3 rd and 4 th...not necesRILY IN THAT ORDER. Seems when I was poor...but pumped....was the best time of my life.

We still talk about it...about 3 guy s and I. Don t have time for glory daze involving partying, cars we drove or ....u know..couch potatoe stuff.

A lot of u young guy s think I m grumpy...I m schooled. Been there...and still at it but meeting my responsibilities first. Time s a bitch. Make good memories and good friends. I have 4...across 7 time zones...all brilliant, successful and still.....training eating correctly.

Where will you all be 29 years later from now. ?
To many young guy s want the LOOK w/o living it....u cannot have it Danielson...w/o time, training, eating eating eating correctly eating and often... and tapping a good source of AAS ..and hopefully some tail ur not financing.
sucks that you guys had so little knowledge. why? this was only in 1987? not even the golden age in bodybuilding.. like in arnolds era people were only beginning to experiment with gear at such dosages. but damn 1987.. that was only 4 years before the world wide web.... weren't you guys wondering why your dicks weren't working and why you guys were poofy like baloons from all taht e2?
sucks that you guys had so little knowledge. why? this was only in 1987? not even the golden age in bodybuilding.. like in arnolds era people were only beginning to experiment with gear at such dosages. but damn 1987.. that was only 4 years before the world wide web.... weren't you guys wondering why your dicks weren't working and why you guys were poofy like baloons from all taht e2?

most everything bodybuilders take now-a-days are 'female' meds,, anti estrogen and female cancer drugs.. 30 years ago, probably did not put two and two together.. the information was just prob not there that taking female cancers drugs was an important factor. AIs and PCT and gyno treatment drugs, are all drugs mainly designed for women
sucks that you guys had so little knowledge. why? this was only in 1987? not even the golden age in bodybuilding.. like in arnolds era people were only beginning to experiment with gear at such dosages. but damn 1987.. that was only 4 years before the world wide web.... weren't you guys wondering why your dicks weren't working and why you guys were poofy like baloons from all taht e2?
knowledge lies within those that truly seek it.
most everything bodybuilders take now-a-days are 'female' meds,, anti estrogen and female cancer drugs.. 30 years ago, probably did not put two and two together.. the information was just prob not there that taking female cancers drugs was an important factor. AIs and PCT and gyno treatment drugs, are all drugs mainly designed for women
i would bet on it that by the early to mid 80s, bodybuilders were already up on their AI's. kinda funny to believe that all golden age bbers were walking around with estrogen dick and deca dick
i would bet on it that by the early to mid 80s, bodybuilders were already up on their AI's. kinda funny to believe that all golden age bbers were walking around with estrogen dick and deca dick

Teutonic is a little older than me, but even in the early 90's, it was zinc and a prayer. Some guys started using nolva on cycle, but it wasn't popular by any stretch of the imagination.

Hell, the medical community DENIED that AAS even did anything for a loooong time. Btw, the Internet wasn't ANYTHING like it is today until the early 2000's. There were some message boards and stuff, but very few folks knew how to access them, and you had to know their address - was no such thing as a working search engine. ;)
Not gill--for the record my dick never did NOT work. I never said we were idiots we had to DIG. ( I have had ED , we all have or will but it usually was from booze----worthless...a 17 yr old dad s face in my minds eye, or a nervous as she was a 11 on a 10 scale.)

Shit bro I still subscribe to 1 or usually 2 medical magazines, read encyclopedia s for fun, and collect Farmers Almanacs. I subscribe to Popular Mechanics, Nat. Geographic and 1 car magazine, European Car and yes, Cosmo. ( owners manual for women. Know thy opponent.) I don t bother with GQ or Maxim as I know how to dress right for when it s right, when to smell good, when to bathe W SOAP, and men who use hair products, wear gawdy jewelry and so forth.....go ride the Metro.
My watch is worth more than my car but she s 9 yr s old now-plus...chicks dig it. Makes them think I ll spend money on them...lol...that s actually funny.

My best friend( 1 of 4) dads was the only doctor in the biggest county in MS., I just returned b t w---total population 10432 as of last year. He d let me/us call Ms. Shirley his nurse and order AAS. THEY CAME IN 10 PACKS WRAPPED IN PLASTIC.
Test c 200 3 47 a bottle
Deca 4.79
His brother was / is a vet---Eq 50 ml bottle 13.99

We pumped 30 cc s water base in 1 of their horses and "ol Bullet" went wild with enthusiasm. That poor old 16 yr old wuz luving life son.

And in every box, at the end of a 30 inch contr-indications warning was boldly typed.

"Anabolic Steroids do not enhance athletic ability." That never lost it s ability to tickle us to no end. I remember bottles of 500 d bol. His cousin was the ONLY pharmacist in the county.

Don t let Hollywood sell us short down here in MS.. We can ( some) hunt skin clean cook game. ( I m not into it), but definitely not against it. I still think people go hunting as much to get away from their wives or husbands as it s good to be apart---like when I leave my little home by the sea in a boring, small town to some hell hole....it s so nice to come home. My friend s a head male nurse with a Doct. in Philosophy but can rebuild a 327 in his shed while doing algorythms with his son sitting next to him doing homework.
U got to keep learning, reading and flex ur brain. Fuck video games and TV. I ll do that while waiting on someone to come change my diaper...as we all are born, grow up and become independent and accountable, revert back to dependency and die.
Try to make e d count for something. I m over 1/2 dead. Closer to a diaper change than than getting my doctorate-----I ve shelved it as so few young one s these days care about my other passions--History, Geo Political going on s and map reading. ( Geography.)
But the gym is MY BAR.