Blast and c***se help? First time


New member
Stats 22y/o (too young to be on gear yeah I know..) 177cm, 93kg, 9%bf.
diet- 3111cals , 318g Protein, 302g carbs, 70g fats
Coached so I have a good program since I compete in powerlifting.
Squat 230kg, bench 165kg, deadlift 250kg

I’ve run two cycles so far first was just sus250 for 15weeks then pct, then I finished my second test e cycle for 12 weeks. Started pct and now I’m training for states so because I was feeling pretty shit my coach told me I should look at c***sing rather than feeling like shit for half of my lead up training then blasting too soon on pct.

how much should I c***se on 1cc, 1.5cc? I’ll be getting bloods taken this week to see where I’m at and again in about a month.
I agree with Milton ~ definitely need to see that Bloodwork.

And your Coach doesn't have your Best Interests in Mind.

If you are very lucky, you may not be a Lifelong Candidate for TRT, but I doubt it.
Given your Cycle History at so young an Age.
You Completely missed your Natty Test ~ as it doesn't Peak till you are 25.
Not to mention what doing AAS at your Age can do to the HPT axis/Endocrine System/and to Brain Development and Behavior.
There's Tons of Clinical Studies on all 3 points.......................... JP
I was an AAU Powerlifter back in the 70's, and didn't do any AAS till I was 25.
I had a Good Coach !
Welcome to the board :wavey:

SO we are glad you came for some help and I hope you listen and do not run off because you don't like what we say.

Is this so important in your life that you are willing to be married to a needle and Test for the entire rest of your life. I mean just to feel normal ? YOu already feel shitty as you said. Well you might have to deal with this for the rest of your life unless you PCT and clean up now.

You , I think know this but do not wanna consider or at this young age you think you know better and it will not happen to you. Wrong , you are playing Russian Roulette with your Endocrine system.

It's your choice and so I just had to say the right thing. Begin your PCT and quit.

Sounds like your coach either doesn't consider long term health or is using you.

At 18 you have YEARS to improve and compete. This isn't a sprint. C***sing is very irresponsible advice and if he was on his game he wouldbhabe timed the cycles for specific competitions. We can't peak all day everyday.
It was my fault, I swapped over from another coach while on pct, my next comp is in 13 weeks and he just mention I might want to look at c***sing for this one rather than jumping back on too soon after doing pct since it wouldn’t be time on/time off.
He’s getting a doctor at his gym to keep an eye on his clients but he won’t start until end of the month.
It was my fault, I swapped over from another coach while on pct, my next comp is in 13 weeks and he just mention I might want to look at c***sing for this one rather than jumping back on too soon after doing pct since it wouldn’t be time on/time off.
He’s getting a doctor at his gym to keep an eye on his clients but he won’t start until end of the month.

No matter what your Blood Work says.... you should not be doing AAS or fvcking c r u i s i n g at your age. Blood will not tell you, that you have fucked yourself for life ... "YET"

Still Russian Roulette at your age...

I just wanna help. No one could tell me, I had to ***n my life to wake up too late. But in any case... OP, Good Luck

Sounds like your coach either doesn't consider long term health or is using you.

At 18 you have YEARS to improve and compete. This isn't a sprint. C***sing is very irresponsible advice and if he was on his game he wouldbhabe timed the cycles for specific competitions. We can't peak all day everyday.
op is 22 but still good advice for someone his tender age. and i do mean tender since whatever you do now csn affect you the rest of your life.
hope ypur new coach has better sense that your old one and knows his stuff.
OP keep on with the training and the comp.. But get cleaned up. Get it al dialed in without AAS for a few years. Then at the age of 25 you could cycle and clean up the contest ( maybe) and NOT take the risk... Where is this gonna get you for your future life ? can you even tell us why this is so important? I want you to think this out more, I'm NOT bashing you.

I didn't start until in my 30's and did pretty good with BB'ing but as i didn't know at a young age is where my life needs and priorities were to be foremost... Such as Life ya know. In my case this was not to be my career, but maybe yours ... IDK.

Good Luck and I'm done :)

Where the faq did I get 18? :scratchhe

Ah ha ha haa... :laugh3: Listen man we have been inundated with noobs lately that have similar happenings. I have been confused lately with thread VS thread lol :)

AH ha but we already know you are not operating with a full deck. :insane: ... just kidding OMM :wavey:
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I must be confused. You've done 2 cycles at 250? And your coach says don't do that......just c r u i s e?!?!?!? Ummmmmm.....250 IS c r u I sing. Either way light cycle or heavy cycle both shut you down. So ZERO point in taking less now.
Best advice is to do zero hormones for a few years and get some things sorted out. I just want to be very clear here, If you inject any testosterone into your body it will negatively impact your natural production. If I were considering what you are, at your age, I would hope someone would help me out with a straight up warning. IF YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOU WILL BE LIKE MANY OF US HERE.....ON TRT FOR LIFE. This is what we do. Please get blood work.......please list it up on this thread......and please recover.

Done preaching now :) With that said......if you're gonna do it then go big or go home. Continually doing 250 is trt. Good results but probably not what youre looking for if you are crazy enough to abuse hormones at your age. Have fun and be safe. Best wishes bro
Cr u i sing is a slippery slope. If you decide to do it, then next thing you know you'll have done one cycle, cr u i sed for a while, then another cycles - and before you know it you've been on roids for a very long time. Your chances of successfully recovery are way down, especially if you've allowed your nuts to atrophy during this time.

Best thing would be to come off and PCT and wait the appropriate amount of time, even if it means missing being "on" for your next meet.
Like anything else... we get used to that way of life. Blast and c r u i s e and blast and........ Real quick the year goes by and then for many, .... " Oh i just don't feel like training when I'm not on" ...

So hence the AAS use becomes a way of life. And if we feel ok why change, and if we don't feel so good , add this or that... `up the E2 and no lower the E2 but use more so we will get to feel better. No fun lifting without the strength boost, who wants their strength to go down.

As tankmanbob advised I agree Quote "Best thing would be to come off and PCT and wait the appropriate amount of time, even if it means missing being "on" for your next meet." You will do better in the long run. .... AND that's where it's at... the long run!

Good Luck, OMM
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