1AD/4AD Ergopharm grade cycle.


New member
Starting next week Ill keep a running log of my results on this stack. The 4AD is 300mg capsules and the 1AD are 100mg capsules. Im either going to be taking 2 a day of each for a month, or im going to take 3 a day of each for 20 days. Im curious what you guys think of this and id appreciate any critiquing as well as what i should use as a post cycle therapy (pct) or if one will be necessary. Thanks! wish me luck.
bump please...i wanna be safe and need the correct info... i have access to novadex but am curious on what my dosage should be for that..also if i should change my dosage of the two AD's
go to steroid.com the guys on that forum are legit, well experienced gentlemen that will help you. This place is full of 19 yr old little pecker heads who say, "bro" "bro" "bro"
also, where did you get ergopharm grad stuff? I ordered 1-AD a month ago from icon sciences. supposed to be the same as ergo but havent taken it yet. do you have bizmark labs stuff?