1st basic cycle one test e 10 week cycle


New member
Hey guys im new to this forum iv been doing some research on running a basic test e cycle as everyone states its a good cycle for a 1st timer so iv decided to do that instead of deca and Sustanon (sust) 250 as my friend suggested as iv heard for many years deca can be a harsh steroid and isnt a ideal steroid for a beginers cycle.

My stats are
BF not exactly sure but can see top abs so id say 14% maximum
and iv been lifting for 7 yrs

My cycle will only be Test E

i will start my first 3 weeks on 600mg a week
then up it to 800mg for 3 weeks then for the last 4 weeks 1ml a week

i will always half the weekly dose into two injections on a tuesday and saturday as heavy irons sticky suggested

ill also be getting my nat test results checked before my cycle the part i still need help on is my pct i hope to use clomid if i can get my hands on it otherwise ill have to use nolvadex if anyone could help me with my pct id be very thankful
Hey guys im new to this forum iv been doing some research on running a basic test e cycle as everyone states its a good cycle for a 1st timer so iv decided to do that instead of deca and Sustanon (sust) 250 as my friend suggested as iv heard for many years deca can be a harsh steroid and isnt a ideal steroid for a beginers cycle.

My stats are
BF not exactly sure but can see top abs so id say 14% maximum
and iv been lifting for 7 yrs

My cycle will only be Test E

i will start my first 3 weeks on 600mg a week
then up it to 800mg for 3 weeks then for the last 4 weeks 1ml a week

i will always half the weekly dose into two injections on a tuesday and saturday as heavy irons sticky suggested

ill also be getting my nat test results checked before my cycle the part i still need help on is my pct i hope to use clomid if i can get my hands on it otherwise ill have to use nolvadex if anyone could help me with my pct id be very thankful
I cycled Test E as a first cycle last year too, and is what I would recomend to any started, you get decent results & barely any sides, what concentration is it? I suppose 250mg/ml, you don't need to play with the dose like you wrote, 500mg/wk for 10 wks would be good enough, I did 500mg/wk for 14 wks as a first cycle, took aromasin EOD towards the end of the cycle to block estrogen, then 2 wks after the last injection you start clomid or nolva, I did clomid 100mg/day before bed for 3 wks... a dbol kick starter wouldn't hurt if you can get your hands on it, but if not test E solo is great as a first cycle, you shouldn't be thinking about Sustanon (sust) or deca before you know a lot more and know how your body reacts with gear. Hope this helps.
first off how old are you?

and don't taper doses stick to 500 a week do 250 Monday 250 Thursday.. make it simple.

my biggest mistakes on my first cycle was I did 10 weeks I should of done 12.

and for your PCT check out the PCT sticky GREAT info..
I cycled Test E as a first cycle last year too, and is what I would recomend to any started, you get decent results & barely any sides, what concentration is it? I suppose 250mg/ml, you don't need to play with the dose like you wrote, 500mg/wk for 10 wks would be good enough, I did 500mg/wk for 14 wks as a first cycle, took aromasin EOD towards the end of the cycle to block estrogen, then 2 wks after the last injection you start clomid or nolva, I did clomid 100mg/day before bed for 3 wks... a dbol kick starter wouldn't hurt if you can get your hands on it, but if not test E solo is great as a first cycle, you shouldn't be thinking about Sustanon (sust) or deca before you know a lot more and know how your body reacts with gear. Hope this helps.
good post but aromisins have life is like 23 hours or something like that so to have steady blood levels should be taken ed not eod.
ok so iv dcone some more research ill stick to 500mg a week as you stated id still like to do 10 weeks not 12 as i might be going back to mines then and we get bag checked at airport i looked into doing the diabnol for first four weeks also at 50mg a day with pct i read that 25mg a day of nolvadex is equivalent to 100mg of clomid because its stronger SIZE MATTERS would that be enough over 3 weeks also?
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