I am a 24 yom. 5'9" 185lbs. 20%bf. I have done strength training 2-3x/week just to stay "in shape" for the past couple years. I have neglected to maintain a proper diet for a couple years. For 3 weeks prior to the start of my cycle I ran a 3000 cal diet that consisted of 225g protein/day, 55g of fat/day, and around 100g/day of carbs. I increased my exercising to 90-120min/day, 5-6 days/week. 50-65% of my exercise is cardio with the rest being strength training. I have tried to adjust my diet some, decreasing my carbs and increasing protein. I have one obstacle that is probably not overly conducive to my efforts (it may not be problematic either..?); I work 13h night shifts. I go to the gym either immediately before or after a shift. Not sure if that affects my metabolism too much. When awake I eat every 2-3 hours, usually 180-220 cals each time. I make sure I get as close to 8 hrs of sleep as I can every "night".
This is my first cycle. I have a friend who is a competition bb (wt ~195 when at 8% bf). He has been doing the competition stuff for around 8mo. He has been cycling for 2.5 years. He is my mentor and helps me get the right stuff through this process. I have him as a knowledge and product resource. I have also found other resources for some of the products but always weary of trying new ones out that nobody else has. Any recommendations on that just pm me. I trust and value his advice but also want any other advice and info you guys have.
My goal is to get my bf closer to 10% and build muscle. Currently I look like an average 24yo with a faint 6 pack who visits the gym somewhat regularly and looks like I probably played sports. I want to look notable more fit than average and notably stronger. Not competition bb status (as of right now).
Precycle I went ahead and got baseline LFTs, ********* panel, and T level.
For my AAS I am using only test cyp 250mg/mL, 1mL 2x per week (M&F), so 500mg/wk. I plan to do a 15 week cycle. So far, 1.5 weeks into my cycle I feel no notable real differences; my skin might be a touch more oily..I can't wait for week 5 to come around!
Since I am intending to shred some fat I got my hand on some clen and t3. I have not started taking these yet but plan on starting...maybe tomorrow. I also have some ketotifen I was going to add in with the clen near the end of week 2 of being on the clen, in hopes to be able to prolong the amount of time I am on clen. Between clen cycles I have the original oxyelite pro (I have a small bucket of this stuff). Any advice here?
For pct I have clomid, novadex, and hcg. I plan to start clomid at week 17-18 (2wks after last testcyp inj). If I don't do the clomid I will do the novadex (anyone ever do both? Recommend one vs the other?) for the HCG I was not going to run during my cycle since I am only doing 500mg/week (this seek okay?) since getting hcg I have heard mixed reviews of whether or not to use it for pct. any recommendations here?
I appreciate any input. I will post some follow ups. Many say it is impossible to shred fat and build muscle. I will see what I can do. I am open to all criticism, help, and resources.
This is my first cycle. I have a friend who is a competition bb (wt ~195 when at 8% bf). He has been doing the competition stuff for around 8mo. He has been cycling for 2.5 years. He is my mentor and helps me get the right stuff through this process. I have him as a knowledge and product resource. I have also found other resources for some of the products but always weary of trying new ones out that nobody else has. Any recommendations on that just pm me. I trust and value his advice but also want any other advice and info you guys have.
My goal is to get my bf closer to 10% and build muscle. Currently I look like an average 24yo with a faint 6 pack who visits the gym somewhat regularly and looks like I probably played sports. I want to look notable more fit than average and notably stronger. Not competition bb status (as of right now).
Precycle I went ahead and got baseline LFTs, ********* panel, and T level.
For my AAS I am using only test cyp 250mg/mL, 1mL 2x per week (M&F), so 500mg/wk. I plan to do a 15 week cycle. So far, 1.5 weeks into my cycle I feel no notable real differences; my skin might be a touch more oily..I can't wait for week 5 to come around!
Since I am intending to shred some fat I got my hand on some clen and t3. I have not started taking these yet but plan on starting...maybe tomorrow. I also have some ketotifen I was going to add in with the clen near the end of week 2 of being on the clen, in hopes to be able to prolong the amount of time I am on clen. Between clen cycles I have the original oxyelite pro (I have a small bucket of this stuff). Any advice here?
For pct I have clomid, novadex, and hcg. I plan to start clomid at week 17-18 (2wks after last testcyp inj). If I don't do the clomid I will do the novadex (anyone ever do both? Recommend one vs the other?) for the HCG I was not going to run during my cycle since I am only doing 500mg/week (this seek okay?) since getting hcg I have heard mixed reviews of whether or not to use it for pct. any recommendations here?
I appreciate any input. I will post some follow ups. Many say it is impossible to shred fat and build muscle. I will see what I can do. I am open to all criticism, help, and resources.