1st cycle AAS-TestCyp; AI-anastrazole; clen, T3, & ketotifen


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I am a 24 yom. 5'9" 185lbs. 20%bf. I have done strength training 2-3x/week just to stay "in shape" for the past couple years. I have neglected to maintain a proper diet for a couple years. For 3 weeks prior to the start of my cycle I ran a 3000 cal diet that consisted of 225g protein/day, 55g of fat/day, and around 100g/day of carbs. I increased my exercising to 90-120min/day, 5-6 days/week. 50-65% of my exercise is cardio with the rest being strength training. I have tried to adjust my diet some, decreasing my carbs and increasing protein. I have one obstacle that is probably not overly conducive to my efforts (it may not be problematic either..?); I work 13h night shifts. I go to the gym either immediately before or after a shift. Not sure if that affects my metabolism too much. When awake I eat every 2-3 hours, usually 180-220 cals each time. I make sure I get as close to 8 hrs of sleep as I can every "night".

This is my first cycle. I have a friend who is a competition bb (wt ~195 when at 8% bf). He has been doing the competition stuff for around 8mo. He has been cycling for 2.5 years. He is my mentor and helps me get the right stuff through this process. I have him as a knowledge and product resource. I have also found other resources for some of the products but always weary of trying new ones out that nobody else has. Any recommendations on that just pm me. I trust and value his advice but also want any other advice and info you guys have.

My goal is to get my bf closer to 10% and build muscle. Currently I look like an average 24yo with a faint 6 pack who visits the gym somewhat regularly and looks like I probably played sports. I want to look notable more fit than average and notably stronger. Not competition bb status (as of right now).

Precycle I went ahead and got baseline LFTs, ********* panel, and T level.

For my AAS I am using only test cyp 250mg/mL, 1mL 2x per week (M&F), so 500mg/wk. I plan to do a 15 week cycle. So far, 1.5 weeks into my cycle I feel no notable real differences; my skin might be a touch more oily..I can't wait for week 5 to come around!

Since I am intending to shred some fat I got my hand on some clen and t3. I have not started taking these yet but plan on starting...maybe tomorrow. I also have some ketotifen I was going to add in with the clen near the end of week 2 of being on the clen, in hopes to be able to prolong the amount of time I am on clen. Between clen cycles I have the original oxyelite pro (I have a small bucket of this stuff). Any advice here?

For pct I have clomid, novadex, and hcg. I plan to start clomid at week 17-18 (2wks after last testcyp inj). If I don't do the clomid I will do the novadex (anyone ever do both? Recommend one vs the other?) for the HCG I was not going to run during my cycle since I am only doing 500mg/week (this seek okay?) since getting hcg I have heard mixed reviews of whether or not to use it for pct. any recommendations here?

I appreciate any input. I will post some follow ups. Many say it is impossible to shred fat and build muscle. I will see what I can do. I am open to all criticism, help, and resources.
And my goal is not expected to be completed in just one cycle. But def going to make as much progress as I can!
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I am a 24 yom. 5'9" 185lbs. 20%bf. I have done strength training 2-3x/week just to stay "in shape" for the past couple years. I have neglected to maintain a proper diet for a couple years. For 3 weeks prior to the start of my cycle I ran a 3000 cal diet that consisted of 225g protein/day, 55g of fat/day, and around 100g/day of carbs. I increased my exercising to 90-120min/day, 5-6 days/week. 50-65% of my exercise is cardio with the rest being strength training. I have tried to adjust my diet some, decreasing my carbs and increasing protein. I have one obstacle that is probably not overly conducive to my efforts (it may not be problematic either..?); I work 13h night shifts. I go to the gym either immediately before or after a shift. Not sure if that affects my metabolism too much. When awake I eat every 2-3 hours, usually 180-220 cals each time. I make sure I get as close to 8 hrs of sleep as I can every "night".

This is my first cycle. I have a friend who is a competition bb (wt ~195 when at 8% bf). He has been doing the competition stuff for around 8mo. He has been cycling for 2.5 years. He is my mentor and helps me get the right stuff through this process. I have him as a knowledge and product resource. I have also found other resources for some of the products but always weary of trying new ones out that nobody else has. Any recommendations on that just pm me. I trust and value his advice but also want any other advice and info you guys have.

My goal is to get my bf closer to 10% and build muscle. Currently I look like an average 24yo with a faint 6 pack who visits the gym somewhat regularly and looks like I probably played sports. I want to look notable more fit than average and notably stronger. Not competition bb status (as of right now).

Precycle I went ahead and got baseline LFTs, ********* panel, and T level.

For my AAS I am using only test cyp 250mg/mL, 1mL 2x per week (M&F), so 500mg/wk. I plan to do a 15 week cycle. So far, 1.5 weeks into my cycle I feel no notable real differences; my skin might be a touch more oily..I can't wait for week 5 to come around!

What is your AI dosage and days you take it?

Most recomend a beginner cycle be 12 weeks makes recovery easier.

Since I am intending to shred some fat I got my hand on some clen and t3. I have not started taking these yet but plan on starting...maybe tomorrow. I also have some ketotifen I was going to add in with the clen near the end of week 2 of being on the clen, in hopes to be able to prolong the amount of time I am on clen. Between clen cycles I have the original oxyelite pro (I have a small bucket of this stuff). Any advice here?

For pct I have clomid, novadex, and hcg. I plan to start clomid at week 17-18 (2wks after last testcyp inj). If I don't do the clomid I will do the novadex (anyone ever do both? Recommend one vs the other?) for the HCG I was not going to run during my cycle since I am only doing 500mg/week (this seek okay?) since getting hcg I have heard mixed reviews of whether or not to use it for pct. any recommendations here?

For PCT you should use both clomid and nolvadex they work in synergy.

HCG is used during cycle usually 250IU 2xweek to help make recovery easier not in PCT since it is a HPTA suppressive. You don't have to use HCG it's recomened but since there always is the chance you won't recover because nothing is guaranteed when cycling you might want to use it on cycle since you have it or you may end up on TRT.

I appreciate any input. I will post some follow ups. Many say it is impossible to shred fat and build muscle. I will see what I can do. I am open to all criticism, help, and resources.
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For the AI I take 1mg, 3x/week, MWF

So I should definitely consider shortening my cycle a couple weeks then.

For the clomid, does 2 weeks after last test injection seem like a good start time? And run it for 3 weeks? 300mg day 1, then 100mg for the next 10 days, then 50mg for the last 10 day? Or should I decrease the dose when running with Nolva?

Does the start time and run time for clomid work for Nolva as well? What has worked best for you? And my research and networking has me at 40mg day 1, the 20/20.

I will start using the hcg then. Doesn't sound like I will be at any disadvantage doing so...
I appreciate the link and input. Lots of good information.


I saw that the femal panel is cheaper and includes T level. Interesting how that works...
For the AI I take 1mg, 3x/week, MWF

So I should definitely consider shortening my cycle a couple weeks then.

For the clomid, does 2 weeks after last test injection seem like a good start time? And run it for 3 weeks? 300mg day 1, then 100mg for the next 10 days, then 50mg for the last 10 day? Or should I decrease the dose when running with Nolva?

Does the start time and run time for clomid work for Nolva as well? What has worked best for you? And my research and networking has me at 40mg day 1, the 20/20.

I will start using the hcg then. Doesn't sound like I will be at any disadvantage doing so...
I appreciate the link and input. Lots of good information.

Your AI is Anastrozole (armidex)?

.25 mg EOD to start. If your doing 1mg EOD your probably going to crash your E2.

PCT 14 days after last injection

Four weeks not three : Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20