i appreciate the mature response as i was expecting to be cursed at or burned for being a rookie. honestly, id say my intake is about 1200-1600. im skinny with a hi acting metabolism..
Not gonna be demeaning bro. We all have our set ways of eating and doing things, and what we think is right. But 1200-1600 calories daily - that is too low. You are constantly in a catabolic stage.
I'll tell you what i would do and what i did when i first started off, for 4 years - till starting 1st cycle last year. Doing first cycle in over 10+ years of training to break plateau. I started T/Enan last Nov 2010 for 20wks.
Size, strength, and weight can be put on naturally easily the first couple of years, until one reaches a peak threshold, after which the body will stop responding. At that point you should look into AAS, preferably Test enan or cyp - not dbol or any other oral.
For now taking into account your training history, diet, and experience you'll get better results taking creatine (optional glutamine, but better results to be expected if both combined) w/ protein powders and weight gainers over dbol. Save that for later.
As for dbol cost, i don't know if that is expensive or not. We have no idea how much you got it for and at what dosage each pill is. Those discussions are off bounds anyways on these forums. You can expect to pay anywhere from .18 cents to $1.00 for 5mg tabs.
Btw, here is what i would do.
Triple your calories minimum 3000 + add
Take 2 tea spoons Creatine daily (if adding glutamine - add equivalent amounts to creatine) (don't go for the purple K crap i.e. the pills). Remember like dbol you are also gonna gain alot of water, but that is what makes you strong and you are more likely to keep it than dbol. So don't be afraid to eat and drink water like a madman. Make sure you load 4 times first week - 7 days not 5. Workout days take before and after workout. Non workout days morning and night. Always take w/ simple sugars i.e. dextrose. I know everyone wants shortcuts w/ steroids, because they see all their friends doing it. Lay the foundation now, sculpt later w/ AAS IMHO. This obviously takes more time and preparation than popping a few dbol every hour, but well worth it. Either way you go creatine or dbol, both require adequate nutrition.
Secondly, add weight gainers before and after workout. Post workout - shake is a must. Preferably mix post workout shakes w/ whey protein. The shakes will give you another 1000 calories daily. Always take it w/ milk. When someone says they have a fast metabolism, it is more a case of not eating enough, this is you. Unless one is wasting away because of HIV, you should have no problem gaining on a wkly basis
Your training - focus on compounds i.e. bench, squat, barbell curls, dead-lifts.
Since i don't see details of your training or diet. I am just giving you details on how it should be done. You can improvise a little. Train no more than 5 times a week 4 sets each exercise - 4 to 12 reps.
Best of luck!