1st cycle experienced weight lifter


New member
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum. I get a lot of mixed ideas from a lot of people I know on what to do for my first cycle. Just looking for some input and knowledge from this forum.

A couple stats about me:
22 years old
5'6 - 5'6 1/2
Weighing in at 170 lb
Training for 5 years
Bench press - 225x15, 315x1
Squats - 315x6
Deadlifts - 315x7
Lat pulldown - 230x6
Ez bar skullcrushers - 105x8
Ez bar bicep curls - 105x6
Muscleups x 4

My 1 downfall is that I don't do cardio because I hate it and didn't really care to do it as my bf levels were pretty low, and I don't train abs. However on a cycle I'd actually weight lift seriously.

I out lift a handful of people at the gym, thus people already think I'm on gear, but I have just been on pre-workouts non stop for a long long time. I've been suggested to use test e and I researched it already for a 10 week cycle with pct, but my only fear is that I'll get too big.

I'm already pretty stocky as I am short, my main goal is to really just cut up and get my shoulders and arms a bit bigger, but other than that not much else. I have pretty low body fat and my training regimens are top notch. I just want to gain a bit more size but I'm pretty sure test will just make me balloon like fukin crazy and I'll look like one of those short gorillas who look retarded.

My goal is the other guy in the pic.

Thanks for your time guys. :wiggle:
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Could i do like 250mgs of test e a week if i don't want significant gains and less sides? as well as an easier transition off of it?
No, don't take a dose that low, that's only 50 mg above my hormone replacement dose and for what ? You will shut your natural production down and have nothing but mental anguish for your troubles. A low dose is 400 most do 500, if you don't put the effort out you won't get too big, but if all you want is more definition go to the diet section and get serious about your eating and cardio , don't go off and do some liver destroying oral Winstrol (winny) crap