1st cycle experiences

I would recommend doing a Test with a single ester like Enan. or Cyp., but Sus. is not bad for a first cycle, @500mgs./week for 10 weeks.
i used Sustanon (sust) at 500mg a week (1 cc on monday, 1 on thursday) for 8 weeks with 10mg of nolva a day

gained 28 pounds of bodyweight, 22 lbs of lbm, and kept around 18-19 of it with proper post cycle therapy
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I would recommend doing a Test with a single ester like Enan. or Cyp., but Sus. is not bad for a first cycle, @500mgs./week for 10 weeks.

I did this exact cycle my go around...I actually went to 750mg/wk for 2 weeks but started retaining too much water, went back down to 500mg/wk. I gained 15 lbs and kept 10 of it post cycle. My appetite went through the roof as did my sex drive...at the time I was dating a woman who was a top exec with a company in ATL she always got home late...but we had a great routine, she called to say she would be home in 30 minutes..usually around 9pm...we would fuck, she would go to sleep, I would go home...
I am on 400mg of Enan for 10 weeks. I started around 205 and today I am 222 (in week 6). If I hit 225 this cycle, I will be pretty happy.
I did sus@750mg/wk for the first week then 500mg/wk for rest of the cycle. I ran it for 10 weeks. Gained 30lbs kept 25.

I didn't really see any sides except my strength went through the roof and I was a little itchy towards anyone lol. Those are the only side I saw lol.