New member
I'm 33, male
Have been lifting weights for a few years.
I have been stuck in a no mans zone for a long time. Everytime I started a muscle gain diet- I also ended up piling (even more) fat. But when I focused on fat loss- I started losing strength and after a few weeks had nothing to show for it.
Hence the drastic measures of T3 and CLEN.
Previously too I have tried CLEN and ephedrine on their own.
This is my 1st cycle.
My focus: FAT LOSS
12 week cycle:
*T3: 75 mcg
*CLEN: 160 mcg (2 weeks on/off. Started mid way.)
*Test Enanthate: 500 mg a week (to prevent catabolism)
*Eqipoise: 600 mg a week (Last 2 weeks)
*Provinorum: to suppress any side effects I get from excessive estrogen production.
2 tabs (25mg each) morning and night
*Liv52: a herbal supplement for better liver health
My Results in 8 weeks (4 weeks to go...then PCT)
lost around 4.5 kg
Bodyfat %: from 25% to 20%
DIET: Ketogenic ish
Consuming mostly proteins and fats. Carbs from vegies.
WEIGHT TRAINING: I was mostly on upper and lower body splits. But honestly, most of the time I was too exhausted to train properly. Also as of now, have hardly weight trained for the last week. I'm currently thinking of a bodypart a day split. That way the volume will be low enough not to cause exhaustion.
CARDIO: SORRY TO SAY- in 8 weeks must have done cardio for 8 times. I was going through my journal. Will be including more fasted cardio from tomorrow.
My q are about the following:
*Do i need equipoise? This cycle was designed by a friend. The reasoning was this will help me with the hardening and my strength levels.
*Hair loss: anything I can do to lower this? I am already genetically cursed in this area. The extra test with the higher dht is kind of speeding it up.
No testicle shrinkage, no problems with sexual drive, no acne.
*Nutrition: I'm trying bcaa and stimulants- but that at the most helps me move through my sessions like a zombie
I'm not including any starchy carbs directly.
My carbs are coming in from milk and whatever incidental carbs I get from veggies.
No post workout carbs.
I seem to have 3 choices:
-Full Keto: which might be a little difficult for me since I'm a lacto-evo vegetarian.
-Calorie cutting from Fats and doing a low carb
-continue with my current KETOish diet and include starchy carbs in one or two meals prior to training.
do I need to follow a certain training protocol when on a fat loss? I think not..but just asking- if any of you have had more success with a particular program
Thank you very much for your time in reading this...I appreciate all responses.
Thanking you all in anticipation of your answers.
I'm 33, male
Have been lifting weights for a few years.
I have been stuck in a no mans zone for a long time. Everytime I started a muscle gain diet- I also ended up piling (even more) fat. But when I focused on fat loss- I started losing strength and after a few weeks had nothing to show for it.
Hence the drastic measures of T3 and CLEN.
Previously too I have tried CLEN and ephedrine on their own.
This is my 1st cycle.
My focus: FAT LOSS
12 week cycle:
*T3: 75 mcg
*CLEN: 160 mcg (2 weeks on/off. Started mid way.)
*Test Enanthate: 500 mg a week (to prevent catabolism)
*Eqipoise: 600 mg a week (Last 2 weeks)
*Provinorum: to suppress any side effects I get from excessive estrogen production.
2 tabs (25mg each) morning and night
*Liv52: a herbal supplement for better liver health
My Results in 8 weeks (4 weeks to go...then PCT)
lost around 4.5 kg
Bodyfat %: from 25% to 20%
DIET: Ketogenic ish
Consuming mostly proteins and fats. Carbs from vegies.
WEIGHT TRAINING: I was mostly on upper and lower body splits. But honestly, most of the time I was too exhausted to train properly. Also as of now, have hardly weight trained for the last week. I'm currently thinking of a bodypart a day split. That way the volume will be low enough not to cause exhaustion.
CARDIO: SORRY TO SAY- in 8 weeks must have done cardio for 8 times. I was going through my journal. Will be including more fasted cardio from tomorrow.
My q are about the following:
*Do i need equipoise? This cycle was designed by a friend. The reasoning was this will help me with the hardening and my strength levels.
*Hair loss: anything I can do to lower this? I am already genetically cursed in this area. The extra test with the higher dht is kind of speeding it up.
No testicle shrinkage, no problems with sexual drive, no acne.
*Nutrition: I'm trying bcaa and stimulants- but that at the most helps me move through my sessions like a zombie

I'm not including any starchy carbs directly.
My carbs are coming in from milk and whatever incidental carbs I get from veggies.
No post workout carbs.
I seem to have 3 choices:
-Full Keto: which might be a little difficult for me since I'm a lacto-evo vegetarian.
-Calorie cutting from Fats and doing a low carb
-continue with my current KETOish diet and include starchy carbs in one or two meals prior to training.
do I need to follow a certain training protocol when on a fat loss? I think not..but just asking- if any of you have had more success with a particular program
Thank you very much for your time in reading this...I appreciate all responses.
Thanking you all in anticipation of your answers.