1st cycle - HOPEFULLY


New member
alright this is my 3rd post because i keep adjusting stuff last second. this cycle is what im left with due to money issues but here it goes

age: 21
height: 5'10
Weight: 177
BF%: 16

week 1-12: test prop, 100mg eod
week 1-3: tbol, 45mg ed (all i have on me, figured i might as well use it)
week 1-4: milk thistle
week 1-14: liquidex.25mg eod

Clomiphene (clomid) 50/50/50/50
Tamoxifen (Novladex) 40/40/20/20


do i need both clomid AND nolva, or just one on a 300mg/wk cycle?
do i need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on this either? ive been told by real life friends no because its mild but i feel like i should anyway
is 100mg of prop eod enough in your experience or should i up it and deal with the pain?
should i bother with the 3 weeks of tbol at 45mg ed?

those questions are all easily changeable i can easily just drop the tbol and save it for later. i can easily up the dosage of the prop.
but this is the big one:

about 4-5 weeks into my cycle im going to be on a week long cruise and wont get to pin for an entire week.
if i could get ahold of e instead and run that i would but i cant. hows this going to effect me?
milkthistles shit mate been proven not to work look in to liv 52 much better helps repair it and that and u need both nolva and clomid mate
alright nolva and clomid it is. thats fine i already have both on hand in preperation.
all i need to know now is about the week that i have to miss from injecting due to my cruise! am i gonna have problems for having my test drop for a week?
yeah mate you cant really miss a week your levels will be all over the place you need to keep them stable to reduce sides
so what do i do about that then

i really want to start this cycle next week but will post pone till after trip if i need to but tactically cant i pull it off?

if i get test in at least 2 weeks before my cruise and stack that with my prop, doing 200mg twice a week for just the one week, 2 weeks before my cruise, wont that hold me over through it?
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take it with you haha dunno mate erm are you allready started your cycle if you havnt id wait till youv been on holiday
lol nah no way taking that with me. if i got caught thats drug trafficing fuuucckkk that

just realized i also wont be able to take my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on the cruise.
so id be going a week without that too
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haha ino id say your better waiting cause them 4 weeks would just be a waste mate cause its a short ester it would be out your system by the time you back you need to keep your hormones level have ..fun on your holiday bro
Smart dude. Wait until you get back and hit it hard when you do. i would personally wait on the tbol since youre running a short ester and it wont take long to kick in. Definitely take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout the cycle and stop before post cycle therapy (pct). This will help keep bloat down, keep your bp under control, and help prevent against gyno. Pct looks good
I would wait until you get back. This is my opinion but I freaking hate short ester gear. Maybe because I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but damn I love me some Test E and C my friend. If you would have got some long ester test, you could have pinned right before you left on your trip and would have been fine. Also, I like my AI's in capsule forms that I can put in a pill container so there is no issues there. Make sure to take the adex from the start. Always better to control estrogen from the start. If this is your first cycle, then definitely just do Test only. That prop dose should be plenty for you to grow this assuming you have diet and training in check.
Oh yeah my diet is disciplined as hell and training vigorous as always.

I can't find pill form for cheap anywhere, only really expensive. I might buy some e and sell my prop to a friend and then just pin 500mg at once right before cruise