1st cycle in a few years


New member
I haven't posted in awhile, but i'm getting back on the wagon so to speak.

5'9 190lbs ~14% BF

wk 1-10 Test enthanate (400mg/week)
wk 4-10 Tren Enthanate (200mg/week)
wk 1-4 Anavar( I'm unsure weather to take this at the beginning of the cycle or not?)
HCG - 700 iu e/w
PCT - I am open to what you guys think is the best protocol for this.

I used to do nolvadex at 20 mg/day for 3 weeks or so. I have thought about doing HCG at the end but i'd like to try and prevent testicular atrophy as much as possible.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Good luck with they cycle bro, I'm waiting for my gear to arrive for my first cycle. Nolva is what I am running for my post cycle therapy (pct) as well, put a log up i'd like to see how this works out for you.
ya i would run HCG throughout entire cycle if you want too prevent complete shutdown. if your going to do 700 iu i would do 250 on MWF

whether you run the var at begining or end is up to you-but i would not run var less than 7 weeks-if i were to run it.

most peeps say they dont even see gains til week 3-so if you only did 4 weeks-as soon as you got excited about the results-it would be over.
also i would run the test a week or 2 past the tren-and start my SERM 14 days after last test inject.

thanks for the advice. I have enough anavar to last for an 8 week cycle so I geuss I can run it at the beginning. And yes I will update this post with more details as I start this cycle and progress.